Celebrating 40 years of volunteers helping those in need
& 40 years of compassionate donors who support the work we do
Through your generosity, Mission Circle volunteers:
Make 800 sandwiches every week for hungry men in prison & the homeless in Tijuana
Provide dinner once/month for the homeless at Bread of Life Rescue Mission, Oceanside
Packaged 60,000 meals for people devastated by recent hurricanes
Support maintenance of the Girls Home and activities for the girls at Casa Eudes, Tijuana
Provided 1300 pairs of new shoes for the children of migrant workers in Coachella Valley
Support 3 Casa Eudes girls going to college in Tijuana
Provided comfort backpacks for 50 children taking a long bus ride to visit a parent in prison.
Please be generous with your donations!
Help Us With Our Mission.
Donate To Mission Circle by clicking the button below!
Send checks payable to
St. James Mission Circle
St. James Mission Circle
P.O. Box 1376
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Mission Circle is an all-volunteer organization
100% of all donations support our mission