Village Gospel Harvest is about preaching the Gospel and starting churches in the most remote areas of Russia and everywhere God leads us!

And the power of God was present to heal the sick!

Ministry in Severodvinsk was very prophetic and God's Word was proved with His supernatural power!

I preached on the importance to preach the Good News with Supernatural power! Signs and wonders always accompany God's truth! Faith is not just words but works!!!!! We ACT wehn we believe!

People cried and laughed and accepted Jesus and a lot were healed from all kind of sickness and deseases.

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I can hold even a needle!!!!!

This precious lady with short dark hair came forward for healing. Her fingers on both arms were not flexible and she was in constant pain and could not hold firm even a knife when cooking. What a torture!

When I prayed for another lady that was standing next to her for healing from migraine I asked the first Lady to lay her hand on her neighbour's head. I did not know a thing about her fingers problem . At first she looked at me and ignored and I asked her again to lay her hand with me on lady's head.

The moment her fingers touched the head of migraine lady - she felt her fingers start burning an jumping)))) moving. She started to cry and speak loudly - "My fingers my fingers are healed I can bend them and move - they are flexible I can hold even a needle!!!! What a miracle!

One lady had a hip problem for quite a while, was lame. During prayer for healing - she realised in her heart that she is fine and she lifted her hip and bend her knee and start doing squads. What a joy it was! Her miracle inspired many to believe and act on the Word of God!

A lady with heel spur and terrible pain to walk was healed while standing in the crowd that came forward for healing and praying with me! She felt pain left her and she began to step full-strength on her heel and jump)))

Young people from praise and worship team were amazing and the presence of God was there during worship time!

Seminars, questions and answers were wonderful! And also tea and fellowship with leaders were enriching and funny!

White Sea region historically is the region with very unique history!

Historically Archangelsk oblast in Russia is amazing. It is the only area where serfdom was not adopted and practiced! Locals are very gifted and talented and free thinkers! A lot of known writers and scientists were born and made history here! By the way my ancestors from my mother's side lived in one of the villages here! A lot of jews were exiled here.

Thank you for your partnership and love for Jesus!

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 World Missions Advance

for Natasha Schedrivaya  

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Dallas, TX 75376 


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