NFFV Action Request

Upcoming Government,

Military, and Veterans Affairs

Committee Hearing

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

1:30 PM, Room 1507


LR3CA Constitution Amendment for Nonpartisan

Nomination and Election of State Offices

What is LR3CA all about?

LR3CA states in part "The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and State Treasurer shall be: Nominated and elected in a nonpartisan manner and without any indication on the ballot that they are affiliated with or endorsed by any political party or organization".

Basically all the state offices listed above would be similar in nature to Nebraska State Legislature elections which are done on a nonpartisan ballot.

Is LR3CA the same as LB776?

Yes. LR3CA, in principle, is the same as LB776. LR3CA is a constitutional amended while LB776 is a legislative bill. Both would change, in a fundamental way, how Nebraska handles it's election.

So the questions becomes why are Nebraska's Democrat Senators submitting bills to make Nebraska elections nonpartisan? I know some of you are thinking, Nebraska's Unicameral Legislature is nonpartisan, so you can't say Democrat. Fair enough. Here are the Senators trying to change our states election process; John Cavanaugh, Megan Hunt, Carol Blood and Elliot Bostar. Is there any commonality between them?

Let's Summarize

If you want to know more about the history of political parties in the United States and how elections in Nebraska are partisan, including State Legislator elections. Check out NFFV's Minuteman Alert on LB776.

Below is a quick summary of the key points and takeaways from that alert that also apply to LR3CA.

  • Both bills would fundamentally alter Nebraska elections.
  • There is no such thing as nonpartisan elections in this state. Want another example? Check out this recent article on the "nonpartisan" Lincoln School Board races. Is each candidates party affiliation mentioned? How many time is Democrat or Republican mention?
  • Party affiliation gives voters confidence they are voting for someone with the same ideologies as themself.
  • Most voters do not have the time to research a candidate, the candidate's stance on important topics, or if past decisions align with their own beliefs.
  • Taking away party and endorsements turn elections into name recognition and popularity contests.
  • There are no known issues with our current election structure. Its been around as long as this country has been. Why the push to change?
  • There is a lack of transparency with nonpartisan ballots.

How to be heard? 

Take action, your voice is powerful make it heard. LR3CA committee hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, 2023.

How to be heard? Here are three ways:

  • Most EffectiveTestify in person. Going to the Committee hearing and sharing YOUR story with committee member Senators is very impactful. For first time in person testifier here are some helpful hints
  • Very EffectiveSubmit written testimony. If you can't be there in person then submit written testimony. Not sure how to do that, click hereNote; written testimony needs to be submitted by noon the business day before the committee hearing.
  • EffectiveEmail your position letter to the Committee Senators and CC your own Senator. For a listing of the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee Senators click hereNote; emails need to be sent by noon the business day before the committee hearing. It's not likely these emails will be included in official hearing minutes though there is a better chance Committee Senators will see your comments. You can request they be added to meeting minutes in your email to Committee Senators.

Not sure what to say?

Listed below are thought starters. Build your story around one or two of them. Quantity is not as important as a short heart felt personal story.


Here are three strong arguments to oppose this legislation:

  • Changing to nonpartisan elections goes against the fundamentals this nation started with. Starting in its first days there has always been at least two political parties that citizens associated themselves with.

  • Nonpartisan elections can work in smaller localized elections, however, elections involving large numbers of citizens does not work. Citizens do not know the candidates well enough to make informed decisions. Without partisanship, voting now becomes a matter of public image and campaign dollars spent, not content, platform, or position.

  • Even in Nebraska's "nonpartisan" Unicameral, political parties play major roles in elections and politics. Believing political parties would somehow not play a role in future elections would be naïve. If political parties are truly irrelevant to providing service then it would seem it's irrelevant to remove the distinctions.
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