Minimum Wage Update
Provincial Cabinet and Treasury Board have given their approval for PDD contract amendments to address cost pressures resulting from the October 1st minimum wage increase. 

Your regional contacts will be reaching out to you shortly to share this news and begin the contract amendment process to include this additional funding. Their intent is to roll out this process for the start of October invoicing.
This is a positive step, and as confirmed by Deputy Minister Shannon Marchand in his discussions with ACDS, just a first step in the broader conversation that is needed as we move forward.  He has indicated that this process has given them opportunities to lay the ground work for himself and the department to address some gaps in their information to better advocate and address some of the beliefs regarding PDD funding that were brought forward at the political level in this process.
Thank you to the ACDS Membership Council, the regional Service Provider Councils, individual organizations, and leaders who have reached out and advocated so diligently on this issue.

ACDS will be closely following the province-wide roll-out of these additional dollars, and will distribute relevant information as it becomes available. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Andrea Hesse, CEO
Alberta Council of Disability Services (ACDS)
Ph 403-250-9495 Ext. 238
ACDS  AGM and Leadership Event

Digging Deeper
October 18 - 19, 2017
Calgary, Alberta
A strong focus on membership engagement, collaboration and networking will be the key to our sector's success on all fronts - from influencing public policy to sharing information, creating resources, and mentoring new leaders in the sector.
We will be looking for your input as ACDS staff move forward with operational planning and the development of membership engagement and communication strategies.  
Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre (formerly Greenwood Inn)
(Time Frame: 11:00 am October 18 until 1:30 pm on October 19)
Timing for AGM: October 18 at 3:00pm followed by a reception

The Disability Workers Safety Hub
The app developed jointly by the Alberta Council of Disability Services and the Alberta Disability Workers Association is now available to everyone on tablets, phones, laptops and desktop computers.

The app was made possible thanks to funding provided by Occupational Health and Safety

For Desktop Users
1. Using any browser go to
2. Click on "Safety for Disability Workers"
3. At the login screen click the "Login as a guest" button
4. Start exploring the app!

Report any Issues
The app is still under some development. If you notice any errors, please email us at
Training and Development

Foundations Tutor Training
Two new workshops have been scheduled: Training and Events

"Making communities inclusive and welcoming where all people enjoy opportunities to fulfill their potential and benefit from strong social, economic and cultural life is of upmost importance to safety". - PDD Safety Standards Consultation in 2016

From Community Presence to Community Inclusion
E-Learning available: approximately 3 hours - Current subsidies available!
Empowering the Frontline for Quality of Life Service Delivery
Taking that next step to creating inclusive lives in community for the individuals accessing services can be challenging work. This resource was designed to heighten your awareness of opportunities for inclusion, shares strategies for nurturing and maintaining friendships and networks of support, and tips on measuring progress.
As a disability service professional, you are in the unique and privilege position to enhance the quality of life for individual(s) with developmental disabilities. This material will help you understand the language around inclusion and integration, and explore your beliefs about community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Call to Participate on the
Commission On Accreditation
The Commission on Accreditation  is an 8-member, arms-length body that reviews Level 2 accreditation site survey reports of organizations that serve the community disability sector, and renders accreditation decisions. 

The Commission is currently looking for: 
1.    Emerging leaders from member agencies and/or related fields to replace outgoing members

General requirements;
  • Be willing to become an ACDS member if not already employed with an ACDS member organization
  • Be committed to the accreditation process
  • Be committed to endorsing quality services for individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Be committed to serving a 2-year term
  • Be committed to attending the meetings as scheduled (usually once a month; more or fewer depending on the number of Level 2 surveys conducted)
2.    A lawyer or law student who will act as Chair and Advisor

The Chair must;
  • be knowledgeable about disability related legislation and potential challenges
  • have the training or experience needed to provide direction and/or informal advice on legal issues
  • have an interest in Accreditation
  • be willing to chair the Commission whenever meetings are scheduled
Knowledge of the ACDS Accreditation Standards and Persons with Developmental Disabilities is a definite asset. This will be a non-voting position, with the exception of unusual circumstances.
Commission members may be part of;
  • the legal sector
  • senior management from ACDS accredited member organizations
  • post-secondary institutions
  • the government
  • the community at large
  • natural supports, such as parents and guardians
Preference may be given to applicants who have a background or experience in Mental Health, Brain Injury, Children Services, or Seniors.
Application forms are available here at . Submit your application to Clova Lehr, Director of Services and Accreditation, ACDS by fax to (403) 291-9864 or by email to  

News, Links, and Events

Lethbridge - Municipal Election All Candidates Forum
Who Citizens for a Welcoming and Inclusive Community
What Municipal All Candidates Forum: Our Commitment to an Inclusive Society
When Thursday, October 12, 2017 6 pm to 8 pm
Where Anton's Restaurant - Lethbridge Lodge Hotel and Conference Centre
Moderator Dory Rossiter
For More Information
Sue Manery, CEO - SACLA 403-329-1525 
Sharon Rempel, CEO - SAIPA 403-320-1515

"We invite members of the public to join us for an:
All Candidates Forum  to hear the commitment from the candidates on how they will help build a truly inclusive Lethbridge."

Dory Rossiter, Moderator: Dory is well known in Southern Alberta for her charitable and media work highlighting the many issues faced by our citizens.  Dory has been the recipient of several awards and, through her many volunteer initiatives, works tirelessly to make Lethbridge a stronger more vibrant community.


Municipal Election Resources - Election Day is October 16th
Alberta Disabilities Forum - "Get Involved in your Local Elections
"Join us in supporting a vision of inclusive neighborhoods, towns and cities!
Voice of Albertans with Disabilities has a vision for a future where everyone is welcomed and included in their town or city.

If you, a family member or a neighbor has a disability, have your voice heard during this municipal election. Talk to people in your town or city running for office and ask them some of the questions below."
Click to Download

Occupational Health and Safety System Review
Status: Open until Oct 16, 2017
"The review examines the legislation, as well as our compliance, enforcement, education. awareness and prevention efforts. Topics include:
  • clarifying employer and worker responsibilities in legislation
  • improving worker engagement in OHS
  • renewed focus on illness and injury prevention"

Home-Within-a-Home Wheelchair Project
Emma and Joe Pivato support their daughter Alexis at home in Edmonton. To provide for Alexis' needs during her travels in the city, in the province and internationally - The family has been working to develop a chair with a built-in lift system and commode.

Emma is also the prolific author behind the  Claire Burke mystery novel series , which feature a number of individuals with disabilities.

Disability Action Hall - Candidate Handout
Based on the ADF' Local Elections Document

Disability Employment Awareness Month
The CEFN is proud to celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month every October.  It is important to us to recognize and celebrate the outstanding inclusive employers and diverse employees that we work with.  We're proud to celebrate DEAM 2017 by partnering with  Alberta Community and Social Services The City of Calgary Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion Calgary Economic Development Mount Royal University Bow Valley College , and  Picture This Film Festival . Take a look at our DEAM 2017 Events calendar below to get involved this October.
DEAM 2017 Events

Alberta Disabilities Forum - Fall Forum
Thursday, October 5th
The forum is an opportunity to network with other organizations that are connected to the disability sector, with discussion and consultation on the future direction of Voice of Albertans with Disabilities, presentations on the national consultation on accessibility legislation and the Hotel Accessibility Project and updates on the work being undertaken by ADF Working Groups re Accessible and Affordable Housing and Accessibility.

James Van Raalte, Director General, Accessibility Task Team, from Ottawa will provide an update on the national consultation on federal accessibility legislation and Roxanne Gerbrandt, Executive Director, Disability Supports and John Stinson, ADM, Disabilities, Inclusion and Accessibility will be participating in the Forum. Below is the full agenda. You can register for the forum at the link below.

Lo-Se-Ca Silent and Live Auction
Friday, November 3 at 5:30PM in Edmonton
"LoSeCa Foundation's 16th Annual Live and Silent Auction!! We are celebrating our 25th year of supporting men and women with developmental disabilities in the community... Let's make this the biggest and best auction yet!!"

Complex Needs Learning Series for October & November

Oct 19: *Webinar* 8:30 am-11:30 am. "Communicating with health care providers"
This webinar will present how to get the most value from mental health focused clinical visits.  By using training videos (starring real people) and learning resources, on-line polls and over the airways conversation with Dr Yona Lunsky, you will develop a better understanding of a support staff role during clinical visits for a dual diagnosis population. The audience will learn what a mental health focused clinical visit should look like and more importantly, what individuals can and should expect from medical/mental health clinicians - in a family doctors office, outpatient clinic or an emergency department as well as your role in preparing for these visits.
  • Register here - This webinar format will allow you to learn and participate from your own computer.
Nov 15: Beyond the Birds & the Bees - Supporting sexuality for people with disabilities - Grande Prairie
Healthy and positive peer relationships and the connection between socialization and sexuality. Presenter: Becky Van Tassel
Email for further information regarding the Learning Series.

Appointees to the Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities

HR Assessment Checklist
"The HR Assessment is a tool to help you rate your organization's current performance in a number of functional HR areas. It will help you understand what is required to build a strong foundation for your people program and processes, and help you prioritize and develop an HR plan that will allow you to attract, retain and develop the talent your organization needs to be successful."

Public Policy Training
Max Bell Public Policy training - now accepting applications for 2018 training

Renaud the new deputy chair of Premier's Council
Renaud has an extensive history of working with persons with disabilities. Before running for office Renaud spent much of her time working in St. Albert at the LoSeCa Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that provides support to adults with disabilities.
St. Albert Gazette

Calgary agency that helps people with developmental disabilities to hire 50 new workers
"We don't look at our candidates just for experience and education, what we're looking for is that passion, is that creativity, drive, and the desire to want to support individuals with developmental disabilities," McCullough said.

Event to put spotlight on disability issues
Persons with disabilities and community members alike are preparing to take to the streets of Lethbridge to shed light on key issues and promote equality.

The South Region Self Advocacy Network (SRSAN) will host its eighth annual Citizen Walk About Sept. 27.
Lethbridge Herald

Kent Hehr on the cabinet shuffle and improving lives for people with disabilities
I'm very excited. Being Minister of sport and persons with disabilities marries two parts of my life. I grew up in this city taking part in sports - hockey, baseball, swimming. I know how important it is for kids, for parents, for communities across this country. And yet at 21 I became a C5 quadriplegic where I understand firsthand the impact of disabilities on an individual, families and communities across this country. So it marries those two situations I've been uniquely involved in and allows me to work on policy to better outcomes for people through sport and people who have disabilities.
Is there an event, news, link or resource that you'd like to share in the Umbrella? If so, please email
The ACDS Umbrella is a publication of the
Alberta Council of Disability Services
160 3015-12 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7J2
Phone: 403-250-9495 * Fax: 403-291-9864
© 2017 Alberta Council of Disability Services

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The ACDS Umbrella or any of its content?
Send your comments or ideas to us at

Permission to Reprint: Is there an article or news item in this or any other ACDS Umbrella newsletter that you would like to reprint in your own newsletter or other information circular? Please contact us at, attention Communications and Marketing, and include the title of the article, the issue date (e.g., February 2013), and a brief summary of how the material will be used.

The information provided in The ACDS Umbrella is for your information only and links are provided for your convenience. ACDS is not responsible for the content, change in content, accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, or legality of the material on external websites.