2023 is a 7 rest and relaxation year. Pisces enhances that by giving us a time to relax and let go of stress. We can learn to meditate, sit still, dream and heal ourselves. .
We have all gone through 3 years of pandemic which affected all of us in different ways. We did not have to be physically sick with Covid - the effect could have been mental, emotional or just awful. We are beginning to recuperate and
start new chapters in our lives.
For the Relaxed MIND
1.Keep only cheerful friends
2.Keep learning
3.Enjoy the simple things
4.Laugh often, long and loud
5.For sadness and tears: Endure, grieve, and move on
6.Surround yourself with who and what you love
7.Cherish your health
For the SPIRIT
"Personal Healing" is a CD by Caroline Myss, a medical intuitive, a theologian, and writer with a fascinating view of health and healing. She investigated this topic for twenty years and studied why some people heal and some do not. She believes our biography can become our biology affecting our immunity and cause of disease.
Myss's suggestions to enhance the healing process.
1. Stay in present time
2. Let go of the past
3. Forgive self and others, letting go of unresolved emotional wounds.
"We need to live gracefully, with our spirit in tact, and to die gracefully, with our spirit in tact. Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul." Wayne Dyer