OCTOBER 1, 2021

TIME OF OUR LIVES- Happy October

The Sun enters OCTOBER in Libra, Libra is a cardinal, air sign which rules relationships and the kidneys. Libras like to communicate and talk - a lot. This sign is ruled by Venus which ensures Libras are well dressed and like their homes to be well designed.
"Libras seek balance, harmony, equality, and justice."

Catherine Zeta Jones, Michael Douglas, Barbara Walters, Will Smith, Donald Glover, Bruce Springsteen, Serena Williams, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kelly Ripa, sting, Lena Headey, Dakota Johnson, Kate Winslet, Jesse Eisenberg, Nick Cannon,Matt Damon, Mario Lopez, Zac Efron,Kim Kardashian

Holidays: October 11 is Columbus Day; October 31 is Halloween
October starts with 6 retrogrades, including Mercury. By mid month
3 planets direct, Easier for us to move forward.

Call Laura for a Fall tuneup.


BODY:Fall is here. Leaves are changing from green to orange and red, reminding us it to change our diets as well. As the weather gets cooler, our bodies need warmer foods like stews, soups, and hot cereals. We also need more fat and protein. Take Vitamin D3, and get 20 minutes of sun each day. Good for mood and to stop the munchies, as the sun light lessens.  

SPIRIT: Halloween is October 31st, the time when the veil between dimensions is the thinnest. Easier now to be in contact with those who have passed onto the higher dimensions. Your unconscious may be more active, dreams may be more prophetic and meditations may bring you important information.

The energies are intensifying, as we are transforming along with the planet. The more we clean out old stagnant energy, the higher the states of consciousness we will be able to attain. To get the most out of this time, clean out your chakras and the layers of your aura. Never cleared out your aura ... It is like wearing the same clothes without washing them! 

Questions and Answers

  1. Go into meditation
  2. Call upon your guides, angels or higher self.
  3. Ask what is the cause of what is happening
  4. Ask what lesson you are to learning right now
  5. Ask if there are easier ways you can learn it
  6. Ask if there is a healing tool to help you now
  7. Thank your higher self and all those who helped.
  8. Come out of meditation.
  9. Write your answers in your journal.

We all have angels and guides who will
happily answer your current questions as they arise.
Add this to your meditation practice.

Contact Laura!

Phone 978-777-9911 | Email: lrz@nii.net

Soul and Life Coaching

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From a Client: A session with Laura is informative and fun. I could breathe better even before I got off the table. Don't miss out.