JANUARY 1, 2022


The transiting sun enters January at 10 Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign. CAPRICORN colors are black and brown. The ruling planet is Saturn, the great teacher. HER symbol is the Goat.  She will climb any mountain or obstacle to achieve a goal. Capricorns are reliable, responsible and get better with age. She likes being boss. Take extra care for bones, teeth, skin and knees when Saturn is in Capricorn.

Famous Capricorns (good and bad) climbed their personal mountains, kept right on going - no matter what the opposition.  Capricorns usually wind up captains of industry and leaders in their field.
Louis Pasteur, Al Capone, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Nixon, Elvis Presley, Joan of Arc, Woodrow Wilson, Robert E. Lee, Marc Anthony, Issac Newton, Howard Hughes, Ben Kingsley, Jeff Bezos, Jim Carrey, Mel Gibson, etc  


The planets Saturn (the old and traditional) and Uranus (the new and outrageous) are square - at odds with each other. Joined by other negative influences, the energy of the earth is in fight mode. There are current verbal displays, emotional upsets and militant shootings attempting to control issues. Some of the issues are:

Woman's rights, abortions, health, lock-downs, police, guns, masks, voting rights, education, gender equality, race, food, drugs, climate change, money, etc. These issues will continue. They are not just current... they
are historical issues, which appeared when similar planetary transits were observed years ago. These problems were never resolved. Perhaps solutions will be coming in the next couple of years.

The pandemic is more than just a virus. It arrived with a side order of difficult emotions, disruptions, loss of freedom, and dealing with unknown and uncertain conditions. We are navigating "Air Space"- and like the wind, things come and go quickly. Hard to know what's next. Hold on to your seats. Most important now to Ground and to Meditate.

Resolutions can be made on New Years, but even better on your birthday which starts your own personal New Year. Also, resolutions which coincide with the monthly cycles of the moon, work well. 

 NUMEROLOGY for 2022
The New Year "2022" is considered a 6 year. - family, home, responsibility
Create a life that you will be proud of. Work towards achieving joy, happiness and peace.

Chinese New Year 2022 of the Water Tiger will begin on February 1st, 2022, and end on January 21st, 2023.

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Phone 978-777-9911 | Email: lrz@nii.net

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