When you partner with Support Military Spouses, you honor the sacrifice of spouses serving on the home front and it means the world to them. Here are the words of a grateful military spouse . . .

"For the 5 years that we have been at Fort Bragg, I have been able to take part in a Support Military Spouses appreciation care package events. My very first event was exciting and overwhelming. I had 2 of our youngest of 7 children with me and remember seeing all of the women, with their children, and being encouraged by their presence. 

A sweet woman walked up to me and commented on how well behaved my children were. We chatted for a few brief moments and she hugged me, smiled and walked into the building. I had no idea who she was but that conversation was what I needed at that exact moment. I didn’t get her name but I remember being thankful for that sweet interaction that God orchestrated.

Since that year, I have been to every event looking for that spouse who needs a moment of encouragement, a hug and a smile. Every year, I have found her.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to give back what was given to me."  

Corrine C.