Hello Mia,

Happy November!

I am writing to you as the new Development Director of Milestones Autism Resources. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you at our annual Benefit and Strike it Big events as I have been the Special Events Manager for the past five years.

I am thrilled to be able to work more closely with all of you in my new role. My background includes being a teacher in Solon Schools and a Development Director for the March of Dimes. My passion is to increase opportunities for those who may need extra support. I am grateful to be able to bring my talents to partner with all of you and the dedicated staff of Milestones. Together we can make a difference in the lives of autistic individuals, families and the professionals serving them.

I look forward to working together and getting to know you all even better. Please save the date for our benefit – at a new time of year on April 4, 2024.  

As you plan your year end gift giving, remember the tremendous impact you have by supporting Milestones. To double your gift, consider donating on November 16, our "Impact Day", when all gifts will be matched by a generous donor up to $10,000.

Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy Thanksgiving and Holiday season.

Gratefully yours,

Vanetta Perry

Development Director

Coming Soon!

Join us Thursday, November 16th for Impact Day!

Help us raise $10,000 in one day for the local autism community!

And thanks to a generous anonymous donor, your donation will be DOUBLED,

up to $10,000.

Double your impact and let our families know that

they don't have to walk this journey alone.

Together We Can "Put More We in 2023"

Together we can build on Milestones' legacy and ensure support and resources for families now and into the future.

Donate today at milestones.org/donate!


Save the Date!

The Milestones Autism Resources Celebration is springing forward!

Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 4th at Pinstripes in Pinecrest.

Join us for this beloved annual event as we honor several cherished community members.

More details to come!

Your Support Goes a Long Way

In 2022, we celebrated 20 historic years of serving the autism community

- all thanks to your support!

We still need your help in 2023 to continue to provide these valuable services!

Below is what we were able to accomplish in 2022.

Read more about how your support in 2022 impacted Milestones by checking out the

2022 Annual Report.


Remember to ask your employer about their matching gift programs!

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