What's Happening at our Collection Sites?
We asked and you delivered. In the past few weeks Riverside UMC-Park Rapids, MN, Glenview UMC-Glenview, IL, Nebraska City FUMC-Nebraska City, NE and others have been excited to receive your many sewing machine donations. Way to go!
Our newest Permanent Collection Site (PCS) location, Gay Street UMC, Mt. Vernon, OH is reaching out to their surrounding communities via radio and newspaper to share that they are now a Permanent Collection Site for Midwest Mission. Check out their Midwest Mission link on their website at gaystreetumc.org .
Bethany UMC-Green Bay, WI is sharing their love of missions with their VBS groups, putting together Personal Dignity Kits as a mission project. They are also reaching out to other churches in their area to get them involved.
Along with their own collection initiatives, Trinity UMC-Elk Mound, WI is reaching out to other clubs and organizations in their community making them aware of our mission and asking them to assist.
Our PCS are also reaching out to assist each other in getting their collected donations to our warehouse in Pawnee, IL. Thanks to Ray Trent, New Lenox UMC-New Lenox, IL for reaching out to assist Ethyl Doyle, Glenview UMC-Glenview, IL.
We have added several new sites in 2023 and hope to add even more. If your congregation is interested in becoming a Permanent Collection Site, please contact teresa@midwestmission.org for more information.