August 21, 2024


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

"Lord, Speak to Me"

1 Samuel 3: 1-10

Modern Worship | 9 a.m., Simmons Hall

Traditional Worship |11 a.m., Sanctuary & Online

We regularly take photographs during all services. If you do not want your photo or that of your child taken, please let the front office know.

The Northbrook Fall Journal is Now Available! Pick one up on Sunday or Click Here to View it Online

News This Week

Men's Small Group Open House

September 8 | 10am

Simmons Hall

This will be a time for all men of Northbrook to find out more about the Men's Small Group ministry and how they might plug into a group. New groups are launching this fall and the open house will provide an opportunity to ask questions to men who are currently in a group and to learn about the different type of groups. Coffee and desserts made by Pam Wildes to be served. That's reason enough to come.

 Email Alan Wildes for more information.  

Women's Retreat

September 20-22

Lake Chatuge

Northbrook will be having a Fall Women's Retreat at The Ridges Resort at Lake Chatuge on September 20-22. Ellen Shepard will be our speaker. Complete information can be found in the brochures located in the church brochure racks and in the narthex.

Sign up to reserve your spot. Reservations made after August 28 are subject to room availability as our block of rooms will be released on that day. This is the busy season at the Resort and rooms book fast. Registering before August 28 guarantees you will have a a room

Click here to register

Miss Mary's Ice Cream Crankin'

ugust 25 | 2 p.m.

Join the Northbrook Nifty Nibblers at Roswell United Methodist Church on August 25 for Miss Mary’s Ice Cream Crankin' to support the Drake House. 

What can you do to help? Sign up to make homemade ice cream (you can drop it off in the church freezer the week before), and/or volunteer to hand out ice cream at the Northbrook booth. 

Bring your family and friends to enjoy a delightful day filled with community spirit and support the Drake House's mission to end homelessness. 

Click here to register!

Joining Sunday

August 25 | both services

Are you ready to take the next step and officially join Northbrook? We will have our next Joining Sunday on August 25th so anyone interested in joining can join and not do it alone.

Contact Kena Newkirk for more information or to let her know you plan to join.

Drop In Celebration for

Kena, William, Jonah, and Baby

September 8 | 12 p.m.


We will host a drop-in celebration for the Newkirk family and their sweet new baby on September 8 after 11am worship. Lemonade and sweets will be served.

We encourage you to bring diapers in various sizes and Target giftcards to help them prepare for the new baby.

Men's Ministry Breakfast

September 7

8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.


All men of Northbrook are encouraged to join us for a men’s fellowship breakfast. Rev. Jennifer Andone, our new senior pastor, will be the guest speaker. After the breakfast those who can stay awhile will tackle several maintenance and repair projects around the campus.

RSVP to Ed Rogers

Opportunities to Serve

Blood Drive | September 17 | 3-7 p.m. | Simmons Hall

Northbrook UMC will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, September 17th in the Fellowship Hall from 3-7 p.m. You can sign up to save a life on the American Red Cross website by searching for our church by zip code (30075).

Godly Play Wishlist

Please consider helping to equip our new Godly Play classroom with art supplies for their response time to the lesson. Your support is greatly appreciated. Click here to access the wish list.

Provide Dinner for our Young Adults

Support our young adults by bringing dinner to their small group Bible study. This group is for college-aged twenty-somethings and recent high school graduates just starting their professional journey. Dinner should be for about 8 people and dropped off by 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Contact Josh McDaniel for more information.

Click Here to Register

Provide Dinner for Northbrook Students this Fall

Supporting our young people by bringing them a meal on Sundays this fall. Drop food off in the Summit youth area or to stay and eat with our students. Plates, cups, utensils, and ice are provided. Dinner is for 12-15 people.

Click Here to Register

Sunday Night Youth Volunteers

We're looking for a few compassionate adult mentors and small group leaders who can commit to helping on Sunday evenings with the youth, especially starting in the fall school year. If you feel called to serve, please contact Rev. Kena Newkirk for more information.

Dedicate Flowers in Worship

Honor a loved one or commemorate an occasion with altar flowers. Also, the Flower Ministry needs volunteers to repurpose the flowers Monday morning, substitute as delivery drivers, and drop off small vases to the church kitchen.

Click Here to Dedicate Flowers

Click Here to View Other Volunteer Opportunities.

Opportunities to Grow

Closer Walk Young Adult Group | Mondays | 7pm | Room 205

This group is for 18yrs - young 20s

Let's grow spiritually, build relationships, and navigate life's challenges with faith. 

Contact Josh McDaniel for more info.

Men's Small Group Open House

September 8 | 10am | Simmons Hall

This will be a time for all men of Northbrook to find out more about the Men's Small Group ministry and how they might plug into a group. New groups are launching this fall and the open house will provide an opportunity to ask questions to men who are currently in a group and to learn about the different type of groups. Coffee and desserts made by Pam Wildes to be served. That's reason enough to come. Email Alan Wildes for more information.  

Northbrook Book Club| 4th Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.| Room 206

Upcoming Discussions:

August 27- Symphony of Secrets by Brendan Slocumb

September 24 -The Color of Water by James McBride

October 22 - The Prayer Box by Lisa Wyngate

Contact: Linda Sandridge

Fall Tuesday Night Bible Study

"Set Apart: A Six-Week Study of the Beatitudes" | Tuesdays 7 pm

September 3 – October 22; Room C233

Leaders: Violette Garrett and Robin Hocking

Study includes a workbook and videos

In this study you will examine the promise of blessedness in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. Blessedness is eternal and grounded in the reality of Christ in you. The author guides readers to realize they were made for holiness – a life lived in the present-tense power of God. Pursue holiness, and blessedness comes!

Please use the SignGenius link to register for the class.

If you have questions, contact Violette Garrett

Fall Thursday Morning Bible Study

"Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament" | Thursdays 10:30 am – noon

August 29 – November 14; Room C233

Leaders: Pat Mitchell and Leigh Ann Launius

This is a 12-week study with videos that is a deeply substantive and profoundly spiritual exploration of the Old Testament. Sandra Richter, a learned scholar and passionate teacher, shows us how Old Testament understanding leads to fresh depths of New Testament faith for everyday life in the real world.

Please use the SignUp Genius to register for class.

If you have questions, contact Leigh Ann Launius.

Opportunities to Pray

The Northbrook Prayer Team

The Northbrook Prayer Team is looking for prayer volunteers to join the team and pray once a week in their homes for our church and community. If you are interested in joining this vital ministry. Contact Leigh Ann Launius

The Prayer Focus for August is for the children, parents, teachers, staff members and bus drivers as the school and church programs start up again this year.

Christian Sympathy:

Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Frank Waits. Please keep the family in your prayers during this difficult time.

Prayer Concerns Ongoing:

Shirley Adams, Jamie Beliveau, Jan Boyea, Rae Siders, and Ann Warren.


Additional Prayer Concerns:

Sonya Adams, Tom Adams, Adams-Durstan family (Heather Wallace) Peter Beliveau, Huss Beutell (Mary Jane Stone), Cheryl Beutell, Janet Beyer, Wayne Bryan, Jacki Bugg (Jennifer Ellis), Roxanne Chandler, Danny Cornell, Conley Renea Estrez (The Ingrams), Tami Farley (Marie Given), Stuart Fuller (Heather Wallace), Philip Gaulin, Billy Gualtney (The Gentners), Delle Griffin, The Family of Eunice Harris (Dorothy Hightower), Sally Hodges, Houlton Family Member, Don Irvine, Dennis Jarvis, Mabel June Kelly, Sophie Knapp, Chuck Musker, The Fleurette Pelletier & Tyler Gall (Flo Acker), Allie Rhoden, The Stafford Family, Nancy Tretinik, The Family of Frank Waits, Renea Winchester, Russ Wise, Yolandi (Rykie duPlessis) and for Peace.

Attendance & Giving

Records from Last Week


9 a.m., Modern Worship, 108

11 a.m., Traditional Worship, 181

Online, 72


$ 16,178

July Altar Rail Charity Offering

$2,052 to Murphy Harpst 


In Memory of Eunice Harris (Dorothy Hightower's mother)

Mike & Emily Johnson

Marianne Raker

In Memory of Will Carter to the choir fund

Mike & Emily Johnson

New Members

Beth & Scott Houlton joined Northbrook UMC this Sunday by transfer of membership. They are pictured here with their grown children Eva, Drew, and Bryan.

Please welcome them when you see them around campus.

August's Communion Rail Compassion Gift is for Aldersgate Homes.

Aldersgate Homes is a NGUMC Conference-related organization in North Georgia dedicated to serving the disabilities community through advocacy, learning opportunities, retreats and recreation.

Here's how to give: Give online and select "Communion Offering" from the drop-down Fund menu. Or mail a check to the church office and indicate "Altar Rail" on the memo line.

Until we meet again, know that you are loved!
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