Closer Walk Young Adult Group | Mondays | 7pm | Room 205
This group is for 18yrs - young 20s
Let's grow spiritually, build relationships, and navigate life's challenges with faith.
Contact Josh McDaniel for more info.
Men's Small Group Open House
September 8 | 10am | Simmons Hall
This will be a time for all men of Northbrook to find out more about the Men's Small Group ministry and how they might plug into a group. New groups are launching this fall and the open house will provide an opportunity to ask questions to men who are currently in a group and to learn about the different type of groups. Coffee and desserts made by Pam Wildes to be served. That's reason enough to come. Email Alan Wildes for more information.
Northbrook Book Club| 4th Tuesday | 2:00 p.m.| Room 206
Upcoming Discussions:
August 27- Symphony of Secrets by Brendan Slocumb
September 24 -The Color of Water by James McBride
October 22 - The Prayer Box by Lisa Wyngate
Contact: Linda Sandridge
Fall Tuesday Night Bible Study
"Set Apart: A Six-Week Study of the Beatitudes" | Tuesdays 7 pm
September 3 – October 22; Room C233
Leaders: Violette Garrett and Robin Hocking
Study includes a workbook and videos
In this study you will examine the promise of blessedness in Christ’s Sermon on the Mount. Blessedness is eternal and grounded in the reality of Christ in you. The author guides readers to realize they were made for holiness – a life lived in the present-tense power of God. Pursue holiness, and blessedness comes!
Please use the SignGenius link to register for the class.
If you have questions, contact Violette Garrett
Fall Thursday Morning Bible Study
"Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament" | Thursdays 10:30 am – noon
August 29 – November 14; Room C233
Leaders: Pat Mitchell and Leigh Ann Launius
This is a 12-week study with videos that is a deeply substantive and profoundly spiritual exploration of the Old Testament. Sandra Richter, a learned scholar and passionate teacher, shows us how Old Testament understanding leads to fresh depths of New Testament faith for everyday life in the real world.
Please use the SignUp Genius to register for class.
If you have questions, contact Leigh Ann Launius.