FEB 21

VISIT: southlyonfirstumc.org

for more information

  • Worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 & 11am on Sundays
  • Sunday School for all ages at 9:45am
  • Livestream Worship at 11am on YouTube



Good Day Dear Friends of South Lyon First UMC,

We are in our Lent season and we are blessed with the opportunity to adjust our spiritual practices and grow closer to Jesus as we prepare for Easter Sunday. Wandering Heart is our theme and each week we are studying Peter’s faith journey which gives us the opportunity to bind our wandering hearts to God. Faith is a constant journey of steadfast pursuit, one that ebbs and flows. Just as Peter keeps going: he drops his nets, he walks on water, he runs to the empty tomb, he swims to the shore to meet the risen Christ. He keeps searching and yearning and loving, even after missteps and mistakes. Our Lent theme reminds us that ultimately, in Peter’s story, we are reminded that God loves imperfect people - in fact, time and again, that’s precisely who God claims and calls. 

Each week has a suggested Psalm to read and for reflection. While we will not do that during worship I thought we could do it together each week as part of the Midweek Messenger. 

Psalm 25: I offer my life to you, Lord. My God, I trust you. Please don’t let me be put to shame! Don’t let my enemies rejoice over me! For that matter, don’t let anyone who hopes in you be put to shame; instead, let those who are treacherous without excuse be put to shame. Make your ways known to me, Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your  truth—teach it to me—because you are the God who saves me. I put my hope in you all day long. Lord, remember your compassion and faithful love— they are forever! But don’t remember the sins of my youth or my wrongdoing. Remember me only according to your faithful love for the sake of your goodness, Lord. 

The Lord is good and does the right thing; he teaches sinners which way they should go. God guides the weak to justice, teaching them his way. All the Lord’s paths are loving and faithful for those who keep his covenant and laws. Please, for the sake of your good name, Lord, forgive my sins, which are many! Where are the ones who honor the Lord? God will teach them which path to take. They will live a good life, and their descendants will possess the land. The Lord counsels those who honor him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are always looking to the Lord because he will free my feet from the net. Turn to me, God, and have mercy on me because I’m alone and suffering. My heart’s troubles keep getting bigger— set me free from my distress! Look at my suffering and trouble— forgive all my sins! Look at how many enemies I have and how violently they hate me! Please protect my life! Deliver me! Don’t let me be put to shame because I take refuge in you. Let integrity and virtue guard me because I hope in you. Please, God, save Israel from all its troubles!

As you read this Psalm, what words or phrases jump out at you? Where are you being encouraged to dig a little deeper in prayer and reflection? Let me know your thoughts and I will gladly share my reflections with you too. Wandering with you, Rev. Mary

Prayer for the day: Creator God, You hear everything. You hear the rush of the wind through the trees. You hear a baby’s first cry. You hear the crickets chirping, our silent prayers, and laughter around tables. You hear it all! We don’t need that same capacity, but we do need to hear your Word, O God, for we cannot live on bread alone. So today we pray: give us the ability to truly listen. Give us the ability to listen with our hearts, and may the truths revealed in your scripture today change us. With hearts full of gratitude we pray, amen.


Come and enjoy the fun activities on Friday, February 23, 5:30-7:30PM at South Lyon First UMC ($5 per person payable at the door). All ages are welcome to come, eat & play! Waffle bar will be open from 5:30 - 6:30PM. Walk through a gallery of Lego builds, build your own creations, and participate in Lego challenges.



There was one movie that is currently in the theaters that we could not work into the worship rotation, and so Rev Mary is offering a separate time to talk about The Color Purple. Mark your calendar for February 28th at 6:00 pm in the church parlor.

Go see the new musical before that day and come to talk and gain insights from one another. Bring any filmgoer friendly friends. All are welcome.

Of course, popcorn will be provided!


Join us for this exciting, new Sunday School study, Being United Methodist Christians-Living a Life of Grace and Hope by Andy and Sally Langford and Ann Langford Duncan.

Learn what it means to be a United Methodist Christian. How may we describe United Methodists? Where do we come from? What do we believe? How do United Methodists act? What are our distinctive characteristics? What is required to be a member of our denomination? How do we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ within this great communion?

In this resource, we offer answers to these questions and others in broad strokes as we describe our United Methodist Church. We will introduce you to how United Methodists live and think as followers of Jesus Christ, and we will discuss the upcoming General Conference and how to stay informed as a United Methodist Christian.

Plan to meet in Room 110 for six weeks during the Sunday School hour, 9:45-10:45. (March 10 & 17, April 7, 14, 21, 28) All are welcome.

Please RSVP to David Ascher or the church office.


Join hundreds of United Methodists and friends at the State Capitol in Lansing to advocate with our state legislators for increased access to mental health care, an issue that impacts every family in Michigan.

Our United Methodist Social Principles state, “[Persons with mental illness] have a right and responsibility to obtain care appropriate to their condition. The United Methodist Church pledges to foster policies that promote compassion, advocate for access to care, and eradicate stigma within the Church and in communities.”

Join us in Lansing on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, as we take those words and put them into action. We can show everyone at the Capitol the love and peace of Christ. 

Training for this day is available.  If interested please register here before February 25th.

Contact David Ascher who will help coordinate transportation.

With your help, we can make an even bigger impact.


Church and Society is dedicated to the work of living faith, seeking justice, and pursuing peace. We are a ministry committed to the pursuit of social justice through action and engagement. Join our congregation’s Church and Society team as we explore our path forward. Our next meeting is Monday, March 18th, from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Friendship Room. All are welcome! 


Enter your favorite song of summer to be used in our upcoming sermon series and activities. Use this link or sign up on the kiosk on Sunday. Thank you for participating!



Housed in Room 110, we collect and share medical supplies at no cost (wheelchairs, walkers, etc…) in order to help people.  We need helpers to serve a weekly shift, Wednesdays from 10-noon. These volunteers will collect and process items for the loan closet. The office staff will be able to help you. Please sign-up for helping with this volunteer shift below.


Hi Church Family,

It is me again, Bobbie. I want to thank everyone who has volunteered to help in

the nursery. Your willingness and time to help are very much appreciated.

As you know, we have very few young children now and I know it is disappointing

to volunteer and not have any kiddos to play with you. However, we do feel it is

important to have someone to welcome the young families when they do come

to us, and we don’t know when they will come.

We would like to set up a schedule for volunteers that is less random. We would

like at least one volunteer for every first Sunday of the month, every second

Sunday of the month, every third Sunday of the month, and every fourth Sunday

of the month. So, if I would sign up for the first Sunday of the month, I would be

there on the first Sunday of each month starting now. There are 365 days in a

year, as you know, and you would only be volunteering for 12 days.

You can sign up to do all three times or just one time. The times are 8:30-9:45am,

9:45-10:45am, and 10:45am-Noon. This way you would know exactly when to be at

the nursery, and we would know that the nursery is covered. I have been trying to

go to the nursery at 10:45 and if no one shows up by 11:10, I go to church. So, if

you volunteer and no comes by in 10 minutes from the start, you can still make

Sunday school or church service. Please sign up on the kiosk in the church parlor.

We would also like to develop a list of volunteers who would be willing to

substitute if someone cannot make their Sunday. Please take some time in prayer

and listen to hear if God is nudging you to volunteer. You can contact me by email or phone or talk to me at church, if you have any questions or wish to volunteer.

We want our young families and little ones to feel welcome and loved, so please

consider volunteering. It is a way that we can all do mission work without leaving




Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them;

for such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14

And he took them (the children) in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed

them. Mark 10:16



SLFUMC seeks a Band Leader, part-time (10-12 hrs/week currently with possibility of additional hours in future) to lead the band during worship services and events with a modern style of Christian music. Position responsibilities include selecting appropriate music, coordinating volunteer musicians, and collaborating and assisting with worship planning. For further information contact Cathy Altenberger or the church office.

Koh Science Scholarship Applications Being Accepted! 

In June 2021, Kwang and Kook-Wha Koh made a substantial legacy endowment to South Lyon First UMC to fund an ongoing science scholarship program. The application period for 2024 scholarships is Feb. 1 – March 31. For information about the program, including application criteria, look for the program information document and application form on the church website. It can be found under the “Scholarships” section of the “Grow” tab. 


Join us on Sunday, March 3rd in the Friendship Room from 12:15-1:15PM for the information meeting about our summer mission trip to God’s Country Community Ministries in Newberry. During the meeting we will provide details about the adult trip taking place July 14-19, 2024.

Whether you are a veteran of these trips or considering your first trip, this meeting will provide everything you need to know to make an informed decision. Learn about dates, housing, food, expenses, transportation, typical projects, and more. You have the option of joining in-person in the Friendship Room or on Zoom.

Contact the church office or Nora Baker

for Zoom joining instructions.

Giving Options

·       Use WebGive at our website by clicking here or by using the our QR code :            

·       Use our giving app on your phone, VancoMobile

·       Use Text-To-Give on your phone, send #oper or #mom to 844-418-2873

·       Dropoff a check in our drop -box at door #4 at the church

·       Mail a check to SLFUMC, 640 S. Lafayette, South Lyon, MI 48178

·       Explore other options on the Giving page of our website by clicking here here

Please be aware that we will never ask for your financial, account, or payment information by email. If there is a question, you will be contacted by phone or in person by a staff member.

Staff members will never ask for gift cards or financial help by email.


Yes! The church has space available for your group or event! Spaces fill up quickly and there is an approval process, so please allow as much time as possible between your request and the date of your meeting or event to ensure that we can

accommodate your needs.

Click Here for Building Use Request

Office Hours

  • Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am - 1pm
  • Wed 10am - 3pm
  • Fri closed

Check out our website or our live calendar

for more information about our church or any of these programs!

Do you prefer a printed copy of our Midweek Messenger? Hard copies are available in the tote outside the main doors to the church and on the kiosk.