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~The Midsummer Newsletter~

July 19th, 2024

AV Band Registration 2024

Hello AV Band Family!

Welcome to another great year in the AV Band & Color Guard Program!

Please take some time to fill out our Band & Color Guard Registration 2024 online form. There are FORMS for you to review in this registration. Please print, sign, and turn them in at the In-Person Registration.

IN-PERSON REGISTRATION will be on Saturday, August 3, 2024 9am-10am or 7pm-8pm by the Band Room. There will be a make-up registration on Saturday, August 10, 8:30-9:30am.


  • This registration is for ALL BAND STUDENTS, including those who are only in Concert Band.
  • All MARCHING BAND & COLOR GUARD MEMBERS must bring their EMERGENCY MEDICAL FORM (EMI) on the first day of band camp, August 3. There will be a bin on a table outside the band office to collect these forms from you. Non-marching band members can turn in their EMI forms at the start of school to band directors.

We truly appreciate your DONATIONS since donations from families are what fuels our great big band program! You can find the suggested amounts per student on the registration page, and on the website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Soojiin Hwang,

Get Ready for BAND CAMP 2024!

Band Camp 2024 is 2 weeks away! 

You can get ready now by preparing the following items:

1. Sun Protection: sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, etc.

2. Large water jug (64oz or larger)

3. Clothes for physical activity: shorts/stretchy pants, t-shirt/tank tops (school appropriate), sneakers & socks

Band Camp 2024 Schedule:

  • Thursday, 8/1, Uniform Fitting, 8am-6:30pm, Band Room: ALL (more details closer to date)
  • Saturday, 8/3, 9am-12pm: NEW MEMBERS only (bring brown bag lunch)
  • Saturday 8/3, 1pm-4pm: ALL members
  • Monday, 8/5, 6pm-9pm: ALL members
  • Tuesday, 8/6, 9am-noon: WINDS only
  • Tuesday, 8/6, 2pm-6pm: COLOR GUARD & PERCUSSION only
  • Tuesday, 8/6, 6pm-9pm: ALL members
  • Wednesday, 8/7, 9am-12pm: ALL members

For more general information about Marching Band and Color Guard, check out this Marching Band Survival Guide

Uniform Volunteers Needed

Aug 1, 8am - 6:30pm

We're in need of MANY hands to help outfit the band with their uniforms. Come support the kids and get them ready for the new season! Whether you're a returning band parent or new one, we look forward to seeing you there!

Sign up at:

Marching Band & Color Guard Registration

Volunteers Needed

Saturdays, 8/3 & 8/10

As part of the Marching Band/Color Guard registration, we need volunteers to help families process forms and donations on these days:

  • Saturday, 8/3/2024
  • Saturday, 8/10/2024

It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents, learn more about the music program, and make new friends! If you can help, please sign up for a shift at

Questions? Please contact Renee Notari at

New Family Information Meeting

SAT, 8/3, 6pm-7pm, Band Room

If your child is new to Marching Band or Color Guard, come to the New Family Information Meeting! The Band Directors and lead parent volunteers will share important information about the Band program. 

If you have any questions, feel free to email our New Member Liaison, Lori Gagnon,

Welcome-Back-to-Band Volunteer Fair!

Saturday, 8/3, 7pm-8pm, in front of Band Room

It's that time of year again - Marching Band Season! Please join us at the Volunteer Fair to reconnect with returning parents and meet new parents. Our Big Purple Band needs a lot of volunteers so come and sign up to help!

Class OF 2025 Band & Guard Celebration!!

Class of 2025 Band and Guard families! We will be celebrating our seniors this fall during Marching Band season! Note that there is a $70 donation per student to cover the cost of activities during the Marching Band season. (If your senior is not in Marching Band but in Concert Band, you do not need to donate. Seniors who are only in concert band will be recognized at the end of the year.)

Important dates and events to note:

  • WED 8/14 - Class of 2025 hosts Marching Band Wednesday Night Snacks! (bring snacks - nut free)
  • WED 8/14 - 7:00-8:00 - Band & Guard Senior Celebration Info Meeting, place TBD at AVHS

Beer Pouring

The new season for beer pouring has started and we are underway with a few events completed already. That's money earned for you AND for AFM!

July event sign-ups are closed, but we are starting Niner's Pre-Season in August and then it's all about football for the rest of the year with several prime time games and weekend volunteer opportunities! Each event you volunteer for will earn at least $225 towards lowering your donation ask for your student!

For certification info and how to get started, contact Susan Bowen at Hope to see you many of you soon!!  

Got Any Old AP Books?

We will be collecting your SAT/ACT/AP books for a book fundraiser when school starts. Please drop off your old books in the band room. We will have a bin marked for AP Books. All book sale proceeds go to AFM!

Questions? Sienna Lee:

Put your local business' logo on our band trailer!

Our band trailer's doors will be available for local business' logo, the logo will remain on the trailer's doors for the entire school year. Spectators going to any home games in the football field will walk right pass those doors and see the logo!

For more details or referral, please contact Sienna Lee:

Volunteer Clearance

New AND returning volunteers are required to submit a volunteer clearance application each school year. If you are planning to volunteer during the 2024-25 school year, please submit a volunteer clearance application on or after June 3, 2024. 

Returning volunteers: When completing the application, please enter your name exactly as it currently appears in the Raptor system. If you aren’t sure how you should enter your name when applying, please email

TB clearance is required for all volunteers. Returning volunteers may upload the same file that was submitted last year as long as the document was issued by a licensed healthcare provider within the last three years.

Volunteers who will be transporting students as a driver for field trips, extra-curricular activities and/or athletic events must upload a completed driver transportation form and current auto insurance coverage declaration page(s).

For more information, visit

Questions? Please email

AV Band Events for the Coming School Year

To view AV Band events for the coming school year, click 2024-25 AV Band/Music Calendar.

Learn to Drive & Support AFM!

Coastline Academy has generously offered to donate 5% to Amador Friends of Music for everyone who signs up for driving lessons using this link:

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