“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
-Ephesians 3:20-21
And A Look Ahead
God is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think! What a statement! How does God accomplish this? He accomplishes this through the power of Christ Jesus working within us.
As I reflect on the last six months, this verse is apropos for this year.

We had our first Teacher Training Workshop in Western Asia earlier this year. One class has started.

In February, we led the first God’s Financial Principles (from Crown Financial Ministries) training in Uganda. Three hundred pastors and church leaders were trained with this wonderful training in biblical stewardship.

We had the first Teacher Training Workshop in Liberia in February with 20 Liberian pastors. Six classes are now meeting with over 60 disciples.
God's Financial Principles training held in Uganda
Over the last two years, our grandson Cole has expressed the desire to be baptized. After taking a baptism class at South Bay Church, I baptized him in late February.

In March, we surpassed our goal of 20,000 equipped pastors and church leaders. We envisioned that it would take five years to cross this goal. It took two and a half years.
At the beginning of March, Mindy and I traveled to Cleveland, OH, where we trained 15 church leaders through the Teacher Training Workshop. Five ministries were represented at the workshop. Through a partnership with Providence Church, we will train indigenous leaders in an Asian country together.

Also, in mid-March, we had the first graduation in Honduras with 16 pastors and church leaders. This is through our partnership with Shepherding the Nations (STN).
First Graduation in Honduras
At the end of March, I left for the South Pacific, where CCI National Directors Henry (Philippines), Somsay and Seune (Laos), and Sitha (Cambodia) joined me as we visited 21 churches in Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand. We had our first graduation in Australia. Peter Allen graduated in New Zealand and now serves in a Prison Ministry, discovering his calling through the training.

Twenty pastors and church leaders in American Samoa finished our training in God’s Financial Principles (biblical stewardship) training and in Resolving Conflict in a Godly Way.
Pastors and Church Leaders in American Samoa attending the GFP Seminar
Pastor Fola Iaone graduated from CCI training in Hawaii in early May. He started the training with Pastor Elise in American Samoa, but after he discovered that his daughter had cancer, they moved to Hawaii, where he finished the training after Pastor Elise moved there.

In El Salvador, Pastor Otto (CCI Guatemala Country Coordinator) trained 30 pastors through the Teacher Training Workshop to start new classes in their country.

In early June, I traveled to Fiji to teach at the Ambassadors for Christ Pastors Conference in Suva. I trained 130 pastors and church leaders at this conference. After the conference, I traveled to Nadi for a Teacher Training Workshop with 20 leaders from Brethren churches in Western Fiji.
Teacher Training Workshop in Fiji
While I spent much of this update looking back, I also want to take a moment to look forward and share some exciting upcoming events. From August 16 to October 16, we will kick off a Fall Tour with several National Directors from Southeast Asia—Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and India. We will visit our ministry partners in the southeast—southern Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.

Click here to view the Fall Tour Schedule.

If you live in these areas, you are invited to participate in this tour. We want to share with you what God is doing through CCI and hear what God is doing in your life! If you would like to schedule a breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee or meet for fellowship, please get in touch with Amanda Boston at aboston@cciequip.org or 813-777-9824.
Additionally, from November 4-12, 2023, we will gather our CCI staff at our Global Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The conference acts as a catalyst for future growth, alignment in all our fields, encouragement, and a time of grand celebration for what the Lord has done. 
We anticipate approximately 200 staff members to attend. For these staff members to participate, additional funding is required for travel from their countries to and from Thailand, lodging, food, and local travel. The overall cost of the conference is about $75,000 to cover all the expenses

Please consider sponsoring our staff to attend this significant training event. You can help meet the need through a sponsorship donation. To give, please click here.

Below is a list of nations attending the Global Conference.
We also want to encourage YOU—our ministry partner—to participate in this transformative event. You are invited to see firsthand the many blessings the Lord has bestowed on CCI that are ABOVE & BEYOND our expectations. The conference offers an up-close look at the CCI ministry as you connect with the national CCI staff from around the world.

The cost is $2,895 per person and will cover your flights, lodging and meals, local travel, and travel insurance. To learn more, please click here and reserve your spot before August 4.

Thank you for your partnership with us in this ministry of equipping national church leaders for effective ministry. Your giving helps these disciple-makers grow the gospel in their countries. Through your prayers and support, God has accomplished ABOVE & BEYOND our expectations.

Grace and Peace,
Dr. David Nelson
President & Founder
Crossing Cultures International
CCI is co-leading an inspirational tour in Israel. We would love for you to come and join us.
Click here to learn more.
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June Edition CCI Equipping and Multiplying News
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