Mid - Week Boost

September 4, 2024


After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Luke 2:46

Since owning a cat we now understand the old saying “Curiosity killed the cat.” Cats are such curious animals. Well, curiosity might have killed the cat, but it will save you!

Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talents, just positivity curious.” Being in awe, wonder and curiosity is a good thing, especially when it comes to your spiritual life.

Have you noticed that Jesus was a constant question asker? Jesus asked questions, not because He needed to know the answer, but to cause people to stop and think.

If we had met Jesus in person, He would be more likely to ask us something, rather than tell us something and His questions always penetrated to the core.

Jesus asked the question in Matt. 6:28, “Why do you worry about clothes?” And then went off into a great sermon on worrying and the future.

In Matt. 12:48, he asked, “Who are my mother and brothers?” It’s not that he didn’t know who his family was. The disciples told him his family was waiting for him and Jesus decided to change the whole conversation up with a question. He went on to re-define family in the New Testament by saying anyone who does the will of His Father is family.

In Matt. 16:13, Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” It’s not that Jesus was having an identity crisis; He threw out a question to prove a powerful point.

In Mark 5:30, a woman with an issue of blood touched Jesus hem and He asked, “Who touched me?” He is God, He knew; but again he asked the question to draw faith out.

I could go on and on about questions in the Bible. Questions are awesome. It is amazing what you can draw out of an individual or a crowd by asking questions. The right questions at the right time can change the course of one’s life.

Curiosity is vital in our walk with the Lord. God can move in our situation when we ask the right question and then act accordingly!

Declaration to Life: The right question at the right time actually has great power. I will ask and then act! 


Christian Life Fellowship - Quincy, CA

If you died today would you go to heaven?

I John 1:9: God is faithful & will forgive our sins

Eph. 2:8: Salvation is a gift from God

Rom. 10:13: Who ever calls on the name of the Lord is saved

Take an inventory of your heart and make sure you really KNOW JESUS!

He loves you and wants to give you life - abundant life!

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