April 12, 2024

Hey There Michigan Educators!

The MiDataHub Team is able to continue providing fantastic benefits to your districts as part of the MiDataHub ecosystem. Functionality such as the UIC service, Snack-Pack, and Direct Certification are exclusive perks that make a real difference for districts in our state.

Over the last few months, members of the MiDataHub team and CEPI have been collaborating with a group of writers at the Michael and Susan Dell foundation, and the Ed-Fi Alliance on publishing a case study to share with the Ed-Fi community, nationwide. 

This week, that case study was posted in the Ed-Fi Community. The case study has been making waves nationwide, highlighting the unique advantages of this functionality we enjoy here in Michigan. We wanted to share this insightful read with all of you.

Take a moment to check out the article here: Ed-Fi Alliance News Article

Let's continue working together to make a positive impact in education!

Enhancing Access to Student Data: CEPI Services Update

For those of you responsible for maintaining and researching student data in MSDS, you are likely aware that MSDS will undergo a scheduled offline period for approximately three days beginning Friday, April 12, to perform closeout of the MSDS Spring General Collection. However, we want to assure you that despite this temporary disruption, CEPI offers UIC Services and Snack-Pack (Portable Student Record Services) through MiDataHub in collaboration with the primary Student Information Systems (SIS), to ensure access to critical MSDS student data. 

UIC Services provides a process within your SIS, allowing users to do automated UIC searches, resolution, linking, and UIC requests. These searches, conducted within the SIS take only seconds to complete. The process diminishes the need to access MSDS to generate or look up UICs for newly enrolled students in the district because the process is available in the SIS. 

Snack-Pack uses portable student record service to provide a small set of essential student data for newcomers transferring into your district. The information retrieved is based on the most recent records submitted to MSDS by the student’s previous district. Much like UIC Services, this data retrieval can be seamlessly executed through your SIS interface. 

If your district uses Infinite Campus, MISTAR-Q, PowerSchool, Skyward, or Synergy as its SIS, then you are able to integrate with these services. Detailed instructions for setting up these integrations are accessible through the following links: 

If you have any questions about the integrations, please contact us by opening a help desk ticket at MiServiceDesk.  

Save the Date Back-to-School Webinar

Join us for a webinar on May 22, 2024, at 10 a.m. to learn more about ensuring a successful back-to-school season for your district using the Michigan DataHub. This webinar will cover roll over processes and an update regarding the summer upgrade. Please register in advance for this meeting here.

MiDataHub Upcoming Events

  • The Michigan DataHub team will be at MSBO in Grand Rapids MI April 23rd to 25th. We will be doing facilitating different sessions. We are looking forward to connecting with many of you during the conference!

  • 4/23 1:15 - 2:00 pm - Presentation 160e — Collaborating with the Michigan Data Hub
  • 4/25 8:20 - 9:20 am - Presentation E27 — Understanding the Power of the Michigan Data Hub

  • Ed-Fi Technical Congress: The technical team will be attending the Ed-Fi Tech Congress April 22-24. Michigan has been invited to share our data integration story during several panel discussions.
  • Michigan DataHub User's Conference: October 14-15, 2024, for the 2nd Annual Michigan DataHub User's Conference once again being held at Shanty Creek in Bellaire, Michigan. More information will be shared via the newsletter and on our website.

Data Retention Change

Michigan DataHub this summer will be moving to new data retention model. Moving forward Michigan DataHub will support the current year, plus three previous school years. If you need a copy of your historical data, please submit a ticket to the MiServiceDesk.com.

ROI Study Webinar

In 2016, the Michigan Data Hub ROI Study report was published to describe the intended plans for standardized data integration of student data systems for districts and show the potential cost savings across the state of Michigan after collecting and analyzing the annual spend for data integration activities in each of the participating districts. The report found that an annual sum of approximately $56 million could be saved collectively across the state when the Michigan Data Hub was fully implemented.

Since then, the Michigan Data Hub was developed and nearly all of the districts have optionally adopted the technology to realize the benefits that were desired. This year, we are conducting a follow up to the original Study and would like to collect the empirical data of costs saved to compare against the initial projections and evaluate the project results that include services that have exceeded the originally anticipated plans. We are conducting a survey to collect new information and produce calculations that reflect on the performance of the accomplishments that the Michigan Data Hub has achieved.

Please take a few moments to participate in the following:

  1. Complete the ROI Study Survey to provide information about your district.
  2. Complete/Update the Systems and Integrations inventories for your district in the Data Cockpit application. (see Inventory System Overview - approx. 9-minute video walkthrough)

To assist districts with the above tasks, we will be hosting an ROI Study 2.0 webinar to be held Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 1pm. Please use this registration link to sign up for the webinar. The webinar will provide a walkthrough of both the survey and the Systems and Integration inventory in the MiDataHub cockpit application. The session will be recorded, and the link distributed for those unable to attend or those who want to rewatch the information later.

Thank you very much for your use and support of the Michigan Data Hub.

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Previous newsletters can be found at https://www.midatahub.org/


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