August 29, 2024

Metropolitan public forum on climate adaptation for water, Sept. 12

On Sept. 12, Metropolitan will host a hybrid public forum that will bring together a diverse group of residents from across Metropolitan’s service area to explore and discuss regional approaches to climate adaptation for water. This is our first public forum devoted to our Climate Adaptation Master Plan for Water. CAMP4W is our roadmap for navigating an uncertain future in the midst of a changing climate, including exploring how climate change may impact regional population trends, the reliability of our imported water supplies and evolving state and federal regulations that apply to Metropolitan. Join us in-person or via Zoom to take part in this conversation.

View the digital invitation or register for the forum.

Conservation campaign launches during Olympics 

Summer Conservation Campaign Highlight Reel

Using the 2024 Paris Olympics as a backdrop, Metropolitan launched a digital marketing and social media advertising campaign, “Water Conservation is a Team Sport." Since the beginning of August, the animated series highlighting water-based team sports has received more than 4 million impressions, generating more than 20,000 visits to


Watch a highlight reel.

Metropolitan's Education Program celebrates 40th anniversary

Since its inception in 1984, Metropolitan’s Education Program has developed and offered innovative experiential learning opportunities, curricula and programs to students and teachers across Southern California. In honor of its 40-year history, past and present staff gathered Wednesday (Aug. 28) to reflect on programs, including Solar Cup, the annual student art calendar, and field trips at Diamond Valley Lake and the Grace F. Napolitano Pure Water Southern California Innovation Center in Carson. At the luau-themed celebration, education staff unveiled a new place-based curricula focused on climate change, which has been developed for the California Department of Water Resources initiative ProjectWET.

Metropolitan board extends general manager's administrative leave to Oct. 23

As the independent investigation into various personnel matters continues, Metropolitan's Board of Directors voted on Tuesday (Aug. 27) to extend General Manager Adel Hagekhalil’s administrative leave until Oct. 23.

“We understand the desire for an expedited investigation, but as difficult as this is, we believe due process is paramount above all considerations, for all parties involved. We are committed to ensuring a thorough, fair and impartial investigation,” said board Chair Adán Ortega, Jr.

A special meeting is being scheduled for Oct. 22 to consider these matters. Deven Upadhyay will continue to serve as the district’s interim general manager during this period.

Read the press release.

Direct potable reuse regulations go into effect Oct. 1

New state regulations for public water systems engaging in direct potable reuse will go into effect Oct.1. These new regulations, approved by the Office of Administrative Law earlier this month, have big implications for Pure Water Southern California, Metropolitan’s proposed regional recycled water program.

The new regulations, first adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board last December, enable Metropolitan to explore and test alternative approaches to delivering highly purified recycled water for Southern California that meets or exceeds all applicable water quality standards.


Read more in our new feature story, "The Future of Regional Water Reuse."

Longtime water, environmental advocate Dr. Mark Gold returns to Metropolitan’s Board of Directors

Bringing over 35 years of environmental advocacy and water resource management experience, Dr. Mark Gold returned to Metropolitan’s board earlier this month as the city of Santa Monica’s representative.

Gold succeeds board Vice Chair and Director Judy Abdo, who represented Santa Monica on Metropolitan’s board for more than 25 years. He previously served as a city of Los Angeles representative on Metropolitan’s 38-member board from April 2016 to July 2019.


As director of water scarcity solutions for the Natural Resources Defense Council, Gold focuses on building climate resilience through integrated water management in California and across the western United States. He previously served as Gov. Gavin Newsom’s deputy secretary for ocean and coastal policy and executive director of the Ocean Protection Council from 2019 to 2022. 


Read the press release.

“In appointing Dr. Gold to our board, the city of Santa Monica is sharing a leader who will help us adapt to the challenges of climate change and secure reliable water supplies for generations to come.”

Metropolitan board Chair Adán Ortega, Jr.

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