August 26, 2024

Lyons Township High School District #204 Parents/Guardians and Families-

Thank you to everyone for a positive start to the 2024-25 school year! Unfortunately, as we begin our 2nd week, the weather forecast is projecting a 2nd consecutive day of temperatures in the mid 90's with high humidity.  As a result, LTHS will implement an Early Dismissal Schedule (7:45am-11:30am) for Tuesday, August 27 due to the weather forecast. Wednesday will be a traditional late start day as planned based on the 2024-25 school calendar.

Please also note that afternoon and evening athletic and extracurricular schedules for Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27 are also being modified. Coaches and sponsors will share modifications with students and families.  


We are also sharing the Cook County Department of Public Health Excessive Heat TipsDuring hot weather, residents are reminded to:

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Try to stay in the shade or indoors as much as possible.
  • If working outside, take frequent breaks, preferably in an air-conditioned space.
  • Check on elderly neighbors and those with functional needs. 
  • Take pets indoors and make sure they have plenty of water. 
  • Never leave children or pets unattended in a vehicle. 

Cooling centers are available across Cook County during periods of excessive heat for residents who do not have access to air conditioning. Residents who need to seek shelter at a cooling center should contact the center first to verify availability and hours of operation. 

Thank you for your continued flexibility, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions at any time.

Have a great week. 

Dr. Brian Waterman, Superintendent

Lyons Township High School District #204 

100 S. Brainard Ave.
LaGrange, IL 60525
(708) 579-6300

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