September, Vol.9, 2020
Hello CdK Friends & Visionaries, 

Welcome to Fall and a season of new opportunities. Our students are fully engaged in their new courses, almost all of which are online rather than in person. We are doubly excited for three BIG reasons! One, we get to introduce you to three of our newest students; Two, in September we will hold our first class-dinner meetings with students since last February! We've spread the group of attendees out over two evenings instead of one, to allow for more space, social distancing, and everyone is required to use a mask; Three, at these two meetings we will celebrate several of our June/July graduates which had to forego the typical graduation ceremonies. 

In October, watch for news about our online Day-of-the-Dead fundraiser event November 1st and our online Giving Tuesday event December 1 & 2.

Thank you again for being bright lights of hope during challenging times. The education that CdK is making possible IS a lifeline to many! 

Drew/Andres L. Vogt

Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.
The Dalai Lama XIV

Meet our New Students!
Amayrani, or Amaya for short, is 21 years old, and comes from a rural area about three hours drive northwest of Oaxaca city. Having left her family at home, she has bravely arrived to Oaxaca for her first year of university. She is studying Law. Many indigenous students grow up with a profound respect for justice and civil rights, and defending their people is a life long mission. 
Emanuel G. is 19 years old, and comes from a rural area near to Amayrani, in the northwest of Oaxaca. CdK President Drew Vogt knew him in the 1990s when Emanuel was living in a local orphanage. His dream is to become a successful chef, and Oaxaca-the cuisine capital of Mexico-is the best place to study this! He's now enrolled for the first time in a local, prestigious cooking school.
William is the oldest of 4 siblings and comes from a remote mountainous region called "La Mixteca Baja", in the southwestern part of Oaxaca. His family belongs to the indigenous Triqui community, that has been threatened by drug cartels and a deadly guerrilla war. His dream is to become a bilingual Spanish-Triqui teacher,and go back to his community to help other youth.
Why Oaxaca? 
Oaxaca City is the capital of the state of Oaxaca (pronounced wah-ha-kah). While our state is famous for native and culinary arts, it ranks as the country's third poorest and has one of the highest illiteracy rates. Its mountainous terrain makes commerce and education difficult, attracting many seeking a better life to Oaxaca City.
To empower disadvantaged youth with education and life skills, enabling them to break cycles of poverty.
A world where youth are treated with respect and empowered through education, thriving in equality, integrity and freedom, creating the life of their dreams, while giving back to their community.
If you know someone who would like to learn about our work
Casa de Kids | www.casadekids.org
EIN #83-0774465