Information Regarding the April 2, 2024 Platte County R-3 Ballot Issue

Below you'll find links to various informational materials, as well as frequently asked questions, and clarifications regarding recently published information related to the Prop C Waiver & Levy Transfer ballot issue.

Voting Times and Locations

Polls are open on Election Day, April 2, from 6am to 7pm in both Platte and Clay counties. If you are a District resident and are unsure of your voting location, you can visit this website and type in your address or call your Board of Elections:

  • Platte County Board of Elections: (816) 858-4400
  • Clay County Board of Elections: (816) 415-8683 

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the ballot issue can be found on the district website here.

If you have a question that isn't listed, please contact the District Education Center at 816-858-5420.

Responses to Opposition

The District is providing context and/or corrected information to claims made by opposition to the Platte County School District Prop C Waiver & Levy Transfer ballot issue.


PCR-3 salary rankings aren’t accurate due to years of experience and higher degrees.

Accurate Information and Context

The information in the table below shows the 2022-23 average teacher salary from 15 local districts, as well as whether the district has a Prop C Waiver in place. Average salary is driven by years of experience, salary schedule placement, and educational attainment, which vary by district. Average salary is one way to assess our competitive placement. Of these 15 districts, we compete for employees most regularly with the “Northland 6” highlighted in yellow. Source: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

The information in this next table shows PCR-3's percentage difference from the median salaries in the “Northland 6.” The cells highlighted in red are where our salary schedule is lower than the median by 5% or more. Most of these cells are in the Master's degree column, illustrating that when our teachers earn advanced degrees or additional years of service, they have the potential to earn a greater salary elsewhere. Currently 118 of PCR-3’s certified staff are in the Master’s degree column. Source: EMS Classification and Compensation Study, based on current 2023-24 salary schedules.


Approving this ballot issue will result in higher taxes and debt.

Accurate Information and Context

If this ballot issue passes, PCR-3’s overall tax rate will remain the same. If the ballot issue does not pass, PCR-3’s overall tax rate will remain the same. The District’s total tax rate has remained unchanged since 2019, when it was lowered from $5.0439 to $5.0193. If this issue does not pass, the ability to attract and retain high quality staff by providing competitive salaries and benefits may be impacted. 

The Prop C Waiver and Levy Transfer’s reallocation of funds will not jeopardize the District’s ability to pay its current debt, nor will it change the term or rates associated with current voter approved debt. Because of forecasted increases in assessed valuation and responsible long range facility planning, the District will continue to have adequate funds to cover its existing debt and be positioned to implement its entire long range facility plan without a tax rate increase.


The district is top heavy in the district office; PCR-3's ratio for students to administrators is 88 to 1.

Accurate Information and Context

The District's students to administrators ratio is 177 to 1. We are aware that DESE's website reports 88 students per administrator for year 2023 and have been working with DESE to correct the inaccuracy. The table below illustrates the irregularity highlighted in yellow. If this number were accurate, it would mean that the District hired 24 new administrators from 2022 to 2023, which is not the case. See attached message from DESE's Office of Data Systems Management stating they are working to resolve the irregularities.

PCR-3 hired the following administrators in the 2023-24 school year. Of those listed below, all but two were position replacements or restructures. The Principal and Assistant Principal positions at Barry Elementary were added to open our fourth elementary school.

  • Kiel Giese, promoted from Assistant Principal to Principal of PCHS, replacing Dr. Keith Jones due to resignation; and Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal, to fill Mr. Giese's Assistant Principal vacancy
  • Eric White, Compass Elementary Principal, replacing Dr. Kimberly Archer who returned to the classroom as a teacher
  • Dr. Drew White, Deputy Superintendent, and Ashley Jones, Executive Director of Human Resources: restructured Assistant Superintendent positions of Dr. Mike Brown and Dr. Rob Gardner following their retirement
  • Kacie Ambrose, Principal, and Mindy Wheeler, Assistant Principal of Barry Elementary: added positions to open Barry Elementary


The district is misrepresenting or exaggerating PCR-3's bond rating, and could borrow under the State's AA+ program.

Accurate Information and Context

PCR-3's "AA" stable rating issued by Standard and Poors (S&P) is a "rated" program. There is an "unrated" program offered by the State of Missouri for school districts to borrow long-term debt. The attached memo from the District's financial consultant, illustrates the differences in the two programs using actual district debt for both General Obligation Debt and Lease Purchase Debt for two recent transactions. In summary, the District would have spent significantly more under the State of Missouri "AA+" unrated program vs. the District's stand alone rated program. Having a superior rating of AA stable is an example of the District's fiscal management, long range planning, and the Board of Education's commitment to serving the community's educational needs with the resources we have available.

Vision: Building Learners of Tomorrow...

Mission: To prepare individual learners for success in life, the Platte County School District provides meaningful experiences in a safe and caring environment.

Values: Student Focus, Collaboration, High Expectations, Integrity, Visionary Leadership, Innovation, Results Orientation

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