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Dear Saint William Parishioners,


The Diocese of Austin is participating in the three-year National Eucharistic Revival. The theme is, “That They May All be One.” Our Lord Jesus prayed these words in his farewell discourse before his passion, death, and glorious resurrection. They are words that he prayed not only for His disciples, 2000 years ago, but also for us to be one in Him. The Lord left us his substantial presence in the Eucharist in order that we could all be one with him and with one another. Do we believe in our Lord’s true presence in the Eucharist? Do we live our lives according to our faith, and receive our Lord worthily and with the right spiritual disposition to receive Him? Receiving our Lord is an encounter with His perfect love, an encounter that brings about healing, conversion, and transformation—that which can give us the grace to lead others to Christ.

At a time when there is so much confusion and division in our world, let us gather around our Lord and grow in holiness. Christ has given us everything and it is time to give back. We must search our hearts on how much we believe in Jesus’ true presence, Body, Blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist. If we go to Mass on Sundays, can we add a daily Mass during the week? Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration has resumed at Saint William. Can we commit to spend an hour or more weekly with our Lord? When I arrived as your pastor, I instituted our first Friday Eucharistic procession and devotion. We have many opportunities to spend time with the Eucharistic Face of our Lord. In fact, Saint William will be having a Liturgy Summit on September 24, 2022. I invite and encourage you to take part in all the activities and to serve in our liturgical ministries. If you have served or thought about serving as an adorer, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, usher, choir member, or in the Welcome Center, I invite you to join us at the Liturgy Summit. Our beautiful liturgies are enhanced by the participation of our volunteers.

Now is the time for us to commit ourselves and get moving again. May these next three years draw us closer to Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist and help us to grow in greater love of Him, who has loved us first.


Ad Jesum per Mariam,

Rev. Francisco Rodriguez III, Pastor

Saint William Catholic Church

Saint William Catholic Church