June 21, 2020, is designated as the day we honor the “fathers” in our lives. The focus of The Women’s Fund is women and their families. This includes the men and boys, the husbands, grandfathers, dads, nephews, brothers, and the friends those women love and care for. The Women’s Fund would like to invite the you to honor or memorialize your father or other important men (husbands, sons, brothers, uncles, etc.) in your life through our Father’s Day Campaign.  Please use this opportunity to join or renew your TWF Membership.

As we all know, COVID-19 has impacted the community through the cancellation of events. We were scheduled to have our annual Men’s Membership Event on April 27, 2020, which was to have been graciously hosted by Woody's. 

The Women’s Fund Cabinet and Committees have continued to move forward. Striving to be creative, we have engaged with Zoom Meetings. Cabinet Members mobilized and the Grant Committee worked incredibly hard. This resulted in The Women’s Fund granting $50,000 in COVID-19 Emergency Funds to local non-profits.

The Women’s Fund thanks you for your support. We need you in order to continue our mission of improving the lives of women and their families by granting money to deserving non-profits in Shasta County.

Please contact me at noella.l.pearson@gmail.com should you have questions or concerns. Thank you.

Noella L. Pearson
Father’s Day Campaign Coordinator