"... I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people." (Luke 2:10).

The joy that was revealed by the angels to men working in the field was one of good news that would change the world. That same announcement is remembered by us this Christmas as we who have received Christ continue in the "fields" that we too live and work. How grateful we are for all we have in Christ and the 'gifts' we've experienced on this side of heaven.

The Gathering Palm Beach County is a tool that God has used for the last 30 years. Highlights from 2019 include ... 500+ people reached through Spring/Fall Breakfast & Family Night, 390+ new fathers equipped through 30 Boot Camp for New Dads, 240+ men meet weekly in 22 Gathering-affiliated small groups throughout county, 215+ Couples attended Marriage Retreat, and 50+ Decisions for Christ! EXPANSION IN 2020 ... includes adding 7th hospital to Daddy Bootcamps, New Conquer Groups, Small Groups and Primetime SC!

Please visit website to see more info, find group locations, listen to an uplifting podcast, preview reading recommendations, use find-a-church locator, see a few proven resources, and some fathering tools/relationship enrichment tips.