Camp News:

To quote my daughter Starr, "There are only 6 sleeps until Christmas!" It is hard to believe 2021 is almost over. What a year it has been! You think things would have slowed down after the summer, but the fall was just as busy! Retreats, Renew and the Drive-Thru Nativity kept us busy but were all a great success!

I wish everyone could be at RENEW, but here are a few of the ladies notes after the event...

"I arrived at Renew broken this weekend . I left feeling loved and cared for. No longer felt broken. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving to us single mothers as you have. It helps so much. As a single mother to a child who's father has just passed away this meant the world to us. Everyone who was there helped me get back up again and carry on. I thought I would never get my faith back . Sharing with us as you have has honestly changed things for my child and I."

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you ladies so so sooooo much for the event you hosted where you allowed us to do some shopping on you… it was truly such a blessing for me and I will never forget the kindness from the entire team . I felt the love and generosity that day throughout the entire building . 
I cannot thank you enough in words .”

 “On behalf of my sister and myself I wanted to thank The Goodness Project. We are still completely so overwhelmed. What an incredible blessing that was for us! You have no idea how amazing that was for us single moms. My sister had just got out of the hospital, she hadn't worked in a month and was just going through a really awful time in her life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are so grateful!! 

THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all you donate, volunteer and help with Renew. And a special thank you to The Goodness Project for partnering with us.
You have made a difference!

Then we turned our attention to the Drive-Thru Nativity and Christmas Market. What a fun weekend! Thank you to ALL our staff and volunteers, as well as Cedarview Church, New Life Assembly, Freedom House and Life Quest Church for participating in the different scenes. Thank you to Tim Hortons Paris for donating much of the hot chocolate and I don't always name names, but without the vision and hard work of leaseholders Peter and Tammy Detweiler, the weekend would not have been the success it was!

We had approximately 400 cars go through over the two nights to experience the Christmas Story and we were able to donate over 1000 food items to the food bank.

Below are some pictures from the weekend. You can also check out the website for a short video of the event.

Please note that the office will be closed from December 20th - Jan 3rd. If you need to get a hold of us you can still do so by email or call:
Mark - 519-209-1699
Andrea - 647-272-3935

If you would like to make a donation before the end of the year, you can do so by etransfer, by dropping off a cheque, by clicking the link on the website or app, or by calling Andrea or myself.

to etransfer use email:
password: Braeside

Andrea and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of our Saviour! He is Immanuel, God with us - and He has been that this year!

On behalf of all the staff,

Merry Christmas!


Braeside Camp | 519-442-3773 | |