Time Sensitive -- Community Cooperation Water Project 
Hi Friends! 

"No one is special. Yet, everyone is unique and essential.” - Dalai Lama

Well – Some things are special! As many of you know, for 38 years I have been researching advanced and safe products for longevity and health. I am super excited to share with you the purest bottled water that is truly
Unique, Essential AND Special; verified by 7 universities .

Before becoming overwhelmed with trying to 'save the planet', we need to start first with improving ourselves and our community. My personal mission is three-fold.
  • To offer you the purest increased hydrogen and oxygenation (Divinia)
  • To offer you the safest and most efficient way to exercise (only 20 minutes) 
  • To offer you advanced regenerative health and healing solutions

The 1st SOLUTION is offered to you here. I am presenting to you the purest, most 'advanced' EZ/4th Phase drinking water for increased oxygenation and hydration. I have spent one entire year reading all the science, data, and testimonials. I have had multiple interviews and met the CEO and his lovely high-integrity family, as well as examined their over-the-top 17-stage purification and patented process.

I have been drinking Divinia water consistently for eight months, along with over 25 of my clients and friends. I thought my $3,000 water purifying machine was the best. It was ... until now.

I am so passionate about this water that I agreed to be the Northern California Discount supplier, so that I may provide for you this extraordinary 4th Phase/EZ (Exclusion Zone) drinking water - less expensively than you can buy online.   Please continue reading ...

4th Phase or EZ water is not well known - yet!
Here's how to quickly learn more:

  • Dr. Pollack’s ground-breaking book: The 4th Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, Vapor (Amazon) contains many experiments and photos illustrating the discovery of 4th Phase/EZ (Exclusion Zone) water. It makes clear EZ's extraordinary properties that help optimize the functioning of the brain and body. 

  • Recent New Water Biology Study: Water actually determines the structure and function of DNA! Water is key to DNA and how it repairs. It has a primary role in determining biological health or disease. Journal PNAS, published 23 Sept. 2019 DNA is Held Together by Hydrophobic Forces” Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

DIVINIA is scientifically known as EZ water,
which means it’s the same cellular water found in organic cells like your mitochondria; (the “powerhouses” of your cells).
EZ is also known as 4th Phase = H302.
This benefit of DIVINIA is proven by the
University of Washington .

DIVINA is ‘Deuterium Depleted Water’, which means it’s
more bioavailable to your cells and helps Restrain Free Radicals.
This benefit of DIVINIA is proven by  UC Davis

DIVINIA has higher energy stored in the H20 bond,
making the hydrogen and oxygen naturally more bio-available.
It’s more hydrating than deionized or rainwater.
These benefits of DIVINIA are proven by clinical trials at
Amity University & Penn State University
The activated/energized/structured state of DIVINIA remains over time and temperature variances. This means it can be stored in any condition and stays vital; (earthquake preparedness). DIVINIA is also naturally 102% oxygenated! These benefits of DIVINIA are proven by
Penn State University

1,000 x PURER
Like a flawless diamond, DIVINIA is free from ALL Contaminants
and is a 1000x purer than other water on the market at 0.00 ppm.
This benefit of DIVINIA is proven by
Penn State University .

DIVINIA's patented process truly makes the water unique
and vastly different from any other on the market.
Patent issued from the United States Patent Office.
DIVINIA Water is patented .
Water expert Dr. Peter Agre states, “One glass of water contains over 80,000 toxins and chemicals. The government only regulates about 40 of those toxins.” 

Steven Sedlmayr recounts: “We live in a plastic world, in more ways than one. There are 150-10,000 particles of plastic in ONE plastic bottle of water, as well as direct leaching from the plastic bottle itself.”

You don't believe? Try this: it will take you less than a minute. Go to: www.ewg.org .  Plug in your zip code, then click on your specific water facility; and you will see how much radiation and toxins your tap drinking water actually contains. Marin Municipal Water District's definition of “compliance” includes 20 Carcinogens and Radiation, all cancer causing, above acceptable limits.

National Geographic , CNN and others have been telling us recently that “there is no pure water on the planet anymore … and the average person is ingesting from the air, water, soil, and food - the equivalent of a credit card size of Microplastics weekly" ; not to mention radiation.

Did you know San Francisco has banned plastic bottled drinking water? Yay! Divinia's eco-friendly glass bottles recycle back to sand.

 THE SOLUTION: (pun intended)
Divinia Water

How do you get some?

Time Sensitive 1st Way:

Everyone is so busy with work, family, and responsibilities; not everyone has time to study new science and new biology. We learn from each other. I know many people are stressed about money; so I asked 25 members of my community if they would be interested in drinking the best and purest water on the planet - if I could obtain it for them at group bulk-rate cost. The majority responded with a heartwarming, “Yes”. This is what’s wonderful about starting a project with your friends and neighbors first. You know whom you can trust and their health challenges. I knew I could help … and it took off.  (We’ve done 4 pickups!)

For Community Pick Up at a super discounted rate of $3.75/bottle (no S&H fee)

  • Contact me first at: 510-410-8717 or merrily@supersoulsolutions.com to notify me when and what time you will be dropping your cash payment at my office - only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays.

  • Drop it at my office in Mill Valley; 150 Shoreline Hwy., Bldg. B, Suite 20. My name's on the door. If locked, drop through my door mail slot.

  • The envelope should contain Cash Only with your name, email, cell phone, and how many total 16 oz. bottles you want to drink a day consistently - that will last you for at least two months. (If you are not local; you can mail a prepaid check made out to Merrily Milmoe.)

  • All cash and orders need to be received by OCTOBER 15, 2019. If you cannot drop it off by then; you must contact me. (Next pick up will not be until late January/early February 2020.)

  • How Much To Drink? A minimum of 2 a day, (but you preferably have some other clean water to satisfy 4-6 bottle equivalents of water for proper daily hydration). Based on anecdotal evidence from remarkable healing testimonies; 6-8 bottles/day of Divinia were consumed for severe health challenges. If you can only afford one a day; it is certainly better than nothing! Your body will gain beneficially from increased hydration and oxygenation, and efficiently begin to detox due to the EZ water.

  • Remember - the patented process allows Divinia to be stored in any temperature condition without losing potency, purity, or freshness.


  • Pick Up Location is 7 Sky Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (off Hwy 101)

Choices usually rely on
priorities and being informed.
Many of us buy a latte each day and it does nothing for our health!
Who doesn’t need or want cleaner hydration, more oxygen,
and consistent energy, to renew your brain and body?
After all, we are water bodies 
(actually water batteries) on a water planet, and Divinia is the best
Essential EZ Solution!

Stay tuned for more useful applications for EZ water. 

Contact me with any questions and please share this with friends!
Something to consider:
Divinia 6-packs make great holiday gifts at $22.50 each
Thank you for your interest and mutual community participation. 
I look forward to seeing you!

Merrily R. Milmoe
Divinia Authorized Discount Sales