April 27, 2023

Mental Health Week 

May 1–7 is the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) Mental Health Week (also known as Well-Being Week in Law in the United States). Mental Health Week is a social change campaign to educate the public and shift beliefs and perceptions about mental health.


This year’s theme is “My Story,” emphasizing that, while 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental illness or mental health issue each year, mental health affects everyone. The CMHA is encouraging organizations and individuals to highlight their personal journeys, a program they offer or how their community supports the mental health of others.


Read on to learn more about how you can participate in Mental Health Week and the supports available to the legal profession.

Re-examining the Lawyer Identity: It’s Okay to Ask for Help

As referenced in our Strategic Plan, the Law Society of Alberta sees mental health and well-being as an important aspect of ethical and competent lawyering. Well-being can impact a lawyer’s ability to perform to their best ability. Conversely, feeling that one has done all they can to competently conduct their work can help reduce stress related to feeling underprepared or overwhelmed.


The recent National Study on the Health and Wellness Determinants of Legal Professionals in Canada (the Study) draws attention to many areas where shifts in perception and additional supports are necessary for legal professionals so they can both perform at their best and be well. A total of 7,817 participants completed the questionnaire that informed the Study, including 806 lawyers from Alberta.

One of the areas the Study explores is the idea of the lawyer identity, which has traditionally left little space for imperfection or a well-balanced life. Of course, no one is perfect and accepting this requires vulnerability. This has not traditionally been part of the lawyer identity, but the Study shows that this identity requires some reshaping if we are to be a healthy, and perhaps counterintuitively, high-performing profession.

Read the article to learn about the Study, resources available to lawyers seeking assistance, fostering supportive environments and destigmatizing mental health issues.

View the Article

How You Can Participate in Mental Health Week

Everyone needs help at some point in their life and career. As we work towards creating a safe and supportive environment for all legal professionals, it is important for lawyers to familiarize themselves with the supports available to them. 

Listed below are a few ways to take part in Mental Health Week.

View more events and resources.

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Upcoming Events

But I Look Like a Lawyer screening (Calgary) | May 4, 2023

But I Look Like a Lawyer screening (Edmonton) | May 11, 2023

Visit our website for a full list of upcoming events.

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