Membership Meeting on Wednesday
We will conduct a membership meeting online next week on Wednesday, September 16, at 1:30 p.m. We have some business to conduct, including the election of officers, and members will receive an update on all the latest information. If you haven't already done so, please click on the link below to register for the meeting. We hope to see you there!
Also, please mark your calendar for our membership meeting on Wednesday, November 11 at 1:30 p.m. We will be providing post-election analysis as well as making some plans for 2021. More details to come.
Election of Coalition Officers
In the fall of every even-numbered year the Coalition membership is asked to elect officers to serve the organization for a two-year term. The Executive Committee has proposed the following slate of officers for the election to be conducted at the membership meeting on September 16:

President - Kyle Lynch, Superintendent, Seminole ISD

Vice President - Sara Bonser, Superintendent, Plano ISD

Secretary/Treasurer - Scott Marshall, Superintendent, Sundown ISD

In accordance with our bylaws, nominations can also be accepted from the floor with support from 10% of the membership. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please contact Christy Rome at or 512-732-9072.
Coalition President Kelli Moulton announces retirement
We are so grateful for the leadership of Texas School Coalition President Dr. Kelli Moulton, who announced that she will be retiring at the end of January earlier this week. Kelli has served the Texas public schools for over 40 years, and we appreciate the fact that her role as Superintendent in Galveston ISD brought her to the Coalition. Her talents and skills have served us well, in particular during the 86th Legislative Session and as we transitioned to a new identity as "Chapter 49ers." She's not leaving us just yet...but please don't miss your opportunity to express your thanks and wish her well.
Welcome back from Walsh Gallegos!
We are so grateful for our continued partnership with Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Russo, and Kyle, PC. Walsh Gallegos serves as the Gold Sponsor for the Texas School Coalition. Please take a moment to watch their welcome back message for schools and if you have an opportunity, please express your appreciation for their support to your representative on the Walsh Gallegos team.
The Cost of Unfunded Mandates
Don't forget that we are taking a closer look at the cost of unfunded mandates as we contemplate the very real possibility of budget cuts in our future. Please take a look at the example from Plano ISD. Then you can use the links below to create a list detailing the cost of mandates for your district that we would love for you to share with us as well as your local legislators.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need help with this project.
Member Resources
Please feel free to visit the Members Area of our website at any time. Simply click on the red Login button and then use your email address for access.

Also, don't forget these resources that may be helpful for your district:

You can also find our priorities for the 87th Legislative Session, as well as an itemized list of goals for each of those priorities to make our goals clear.

And we're always happy to hear suggestions and requests for resources and tools that would be helpful to you. Let us know what you need!
Thank you to our annual sponsors!
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746