Caroline Spillane CDir | Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Dear Anne,

As the go-to source for directors, we offer IoD Ireland members exclusive access to top-tier resources, knowledge and research.

In this ezine, we've curated relevant content on issues impacting Irish businesses right now. Features include expert views on the domestic and global economic outlook; preparing for the CSDDD; sustainable procurement and supplier management practices; managing financial resources and the new Handbook, Governance for Directors on State Boards.

Read about our new short programme - Leading a Digital and Innovation Strategy from the Boardroom. This short programme is ideal for those who are knowledgeable about digital transformation, and are looking to advance their expertise of strategies, capabilities, culture and execution mechanisms.

If you have any queries or comments you may wish to share, please do reach out. Simply reply to this email.

Caroline Spillane CDir

Chief Executive Officer

Institute of Directors Ireland 

IoD economic update

The global economic backdrop is somewhat more optimistic today than a year ago. Global inflation has come down more quickly than expected, with the headline rate currently at 2.4 per cent in the Euro Zone and 3.5 per cent in the US.

In this thought leadership article, Jim Power, Economist, shares his insights and speculations on the economic outlook for Ireland and at the global level over the next eighteen months.

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Laura Burke CDir

Laura Burke CDir is the Director General of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). She is also a member of the Climate Change Advisory Council (CCAC) and a member of the High Level Implementation Committee of 'Food Vision 2030', the Irish Agri-Food Sector Strategy.

Meet Laura


Briefing: CS3D - Over the finish line but at what cost?

Director Factsheet

Courtesy of McCann Fitzgerald LLP

Read our detailed Director Factsheet outlining updates to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (the "CS3D") proposal. This was adopted by the European Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee on 19th March 2024.

Reading this director factsheet can be accrued as part of Chartered Director CPD.

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Preparing for CSDDD: What your organisation needs to know

Thought leadership article

Further your learning on this key area. Read this thought leadership article on what your organisation needs to know when preparing for the the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Written by Dr Rachel Widdis, Director EMEA, Article One and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Business and Human Rights, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin.

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Questions boards should ask to ensure a sustainable supply chain

Featured article

Ensuring flexibility and transparency in an organisation's supply chain is key when facing major geopolitical, environmental, and social challenges.

Read this featured article on the five key questions that boards should be asking to get a thorough understanding of its organisation's sustainable procurement and supplier management practices. Written by Marion O'Donnell, Sustainable Investment Advisor.

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3 key financial call outs for boards and directors

Featured article

After two years of heavy interest rate increases and the battle against inflation, 2024 will be a major year for company directors in managing financial resources.

Read this featured article on the three major call outs in managing financial resources to a better outcome for directors, owner directors and employees. Written by Kevin McConnell, Chartered Financial Analyst. 

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Rising expectations around responsible business | Webinar

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment are hosting an online webinar on Wednesday, 22nd May on the topic of rising expectations around responsible business. Minister Dara Calleary TD will provide opening remarks on the Responsible Business agenda, while officials from the Department will follow with short presentations.

For more information on the webinar and for registration details, see below.

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Welcome to new members who joined in recent weeks

Whether you’re here for inspiration, knowledge, or to belong to a valued network and spark new connections, we’re delighted to have you as part of our IoD Ireland community.

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Congratulations to our newly Chartered Directors

Congratulations to our latest Chartered Directors who have passed their final professional review process and eligibility assessment and have become qualified CDirs.

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Learn the critical importance for boards and directors on the governance of digital transformation, strategy and innovation. Led by Garvan Callan, Strategist, Innovator, and Transformation Advisor.

This programme is eligible for 12 hours of Chartered Director CPD.

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Board services 

Board evaluation

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Boardroom centre

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Board training

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