A Tour Through the Member Section of our Website
Our website is now more “HUSKY Member-friendly” than it has ever been with some exciting features and easy-to-access resources. Simply "mouse over" where it says MEMBERS at the top of the www.ctdhp.org website and a drop-down menu will appear. 

Here is what you can now access
YOUR BENEFITS will take you to a page that includes Member Benefits - one page for adults and one for children.

YOUR RESOURCES links to information and contact information for our Transportation, Medical and Behavioral Health partners as well as the Translate feature to translate anything on the website to 15 different languages. In addition, TRANSLATE can be accessed in the upper right corner of every page.
The NEWS AND ARTICLES tab has links, by topic to all the educational posts including brushing and flossing tips, tips for older adults, pregnant women, etc.
FIND A DENTIST links to both an easy-to-access FIND A DENTIST tool as well as your MEMBER LOGIN where you can do a more in-depth search.
YOUR MEMBER INFORMATION includes links to your Rights, Responsibilities, Privacy and Health Equity. It also has information about Grievance and Appeals and most important has a link to your MEMBER Login secure area of the site. The page describes what you can do once you register for access.
MEMBER LOGIN is the bottom tab.
Enjoy easy access to everything you need to understand your dental benefits, and maintain good oral health at www.ctdhp.org

We Give You our Thanks, and Wish You all a
Happy Holiday Season
We thank those of you who are brushing your teeth and flossing at least once a day,
And those who are doing their best to keep away tooth decay.
We thank you for replacing your toothbrush when the bristles are frayed,
And we thank those whose visits to the dentist this year were not delayed.
Thank you for taking good care of your pearly whites,
By eating only tooth-healthy bites.
Don't wait until you have a toothache.
There is simply too much at stake.
And for those who may have fallen behind, it's never too late, to get back on track.
Just visit our website or call our friendly Member Services Team - we've got your back.
Need to find a dentist, make an appointment,
or learn more about your benefits? 
Visit www.ctdhp.org or call us at
855-CT-DENTAL (855-283-3682)

Translation and transportation services available. Hearing impaired clients,
please dial 711 for Relay Connecticut assistance.

We Care About Your Dental Health
Have you moved, changed your phone number or email? Need to update your contact information? HUSKY A, B, and D Members can make updates: www.accesshealthct.com or
1-855-805-4325; HUSKY C Members can make updates: www.mydss.ct.gov or 1-855-626-6632.
The Connecticut Dental Health Partnership's mission is to enable all HUSKY Health members to achieve and maintain good oral health. We work to ensure all members have equitable access to oral health services.