November 4, 2022
Get Ready to Tell us Your Views
LOBA Member Survey Coming Soon

It has been over 10 years since LOBA last canvassed our members on their preferences and objectives for the Association.

In the coming weeks, 2022 and 2023 LOBA members will receive a link to an electronic survey. Your responses will help us update our priorities and ensure that our activities are aligned with the needs of the community we serve and to plan our strategic direction over the next five years.
Municipal Election Results

The Township of Lake of Bays Council is unchanged with both Mayor Terry Glover and District Councillor Mike Peppard being re-elected, and the other five seats acclaimed.

Nancy Alcock was elected mayor and Monty Clouthier was elected Brunel ward councillor in the Town of Huntsville.

Thank you to all LOBA members who voted!
Deadline is December 30

Open to all Lake of Bays Association members and families. Photos must be previously unpublished and taken in the current year--limit of 5 per category. They must be in high-resolution, digital format and sent to, subject line Lake of Bays Association photo contest. Deadline December 30, 2022.

LIFE at the LAKE: people, pets and dwellings
NATURE: wild plants and animals
LANDSCAPE: land, water and sky
photo by Paul Madder
2021 Photo Contest submission
photo by Minoli Gunawardana
2021 Photo Contest submission
The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well-serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

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Lake of Bays Association

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