REMINDER #1 - 2024 June District Resolutions


Attention AMM Members:

The 2024 June District meetings (JDMs) will take place on June 12-19, and 24-25.


Please note that resolutions will be debated at the upcoming JDMs. The deadline to submit resolutions to the AMM office is June 1, 2024.

All Resolutions will be categorized prior to the June District meetings by an elected district representative and the corresponding District Directors. Category 1 Resolutions will proceed to the annual Fall Convention in November.

For more information, please review:

JDM Resolutions Process and How to Write a Resolution

Resolutions MUST include whereas clauses, otherwise they will not be accepted.

Resolutions must be directed at the provincial or federal governments or AMM. Resolutions directed at individual AMM members will not be accepted (any member can send the AMM a letter to review issues of this nature).

Additional suggestions to consider:

  • Has your municipality contacted the corresponding provincial/federal department(s) about the issue and copied the AMM?
  • Have you called the AMM office and asked for assistance?
  • Have you consulted with neighbouring municipalities and/or the Manitoba Municipal Administrators' Association (MMAA)? 

Resolutions must be passed by your local Council and a signed certified copy must be submitted to the AMM office prior to the June 1 deadline (submitting a PDF version via email is sufficient). If your municipality can also provide the plain text of the resolution in either an email or Microsoft Word, it would be greatly appreciated.


Please submit your resolutions to AMM Senior Policy Analyst Stefanie Vieira at


Denys Volkov
Executive Director
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