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You're Invited!!

Dear Communications Chair;

The LWV Alachua County Board invites you to join us for your 2024 Annual Membership Meeting.

This is the most important event of the year and after a three-year hiatus, we are hosting it in person with dinner and presentations. We will vote on our 2024-2025 Board members, budget, local program, and updated bylaws. The documents up for a vote are below. Please review them ahead of the meeting and contact LWVAC President, Janice Garry, if you have any questions.

Register HERE and join us and help prepare LWVAC for the next year. You don't want to miss this event.

Tickets will cost $23 per person. Please register by May 15.

What: LWVAC Annual Meeting

When: May 23, 2024, at 6:00 PM Eastern Time

Where: Trinity United Methodist Church, 4000 NW 53rd Ave, Gainesville

RSVP: By May 15, 2024

Register Now!

If you have trouble with the registration button or links above, please copy and paste the following into your browser: https://tinyurl.com/4p8t3vhh

Items for Vote

2024-2025 Budget
2024-2025 Local Program
2024-2025 Slate of Board Officers and Directors
Proposed Bylaws Revisions

Join the fun. Join the team.

Help us Get Out the Vote this election season!

Comments, Questions, Feedback? Contact the editor Connie Nicklin.

LWVAC Leadership Team

President: Janice Garry

Vice-President: Gwendolyn Saffo

Secretary: Eileen Roy

Treasurer: Anne D’Amico

A full list of LWVAC Board Members and Committee Chairs can be found here.

Alachua County League of Women Voters

info@lwv-alachua.org | www.lwvalachua.org


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