The Voter

August 2024

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President's Message

By Janice Garry

Dear Communications Chair,

“Celebrate democracy! Get informed, go vote!” For the next three months, this will be our League's rallying cry. At the local, state and national levels there is much to vote about. Energy is building. We will lend momentum.


Do you have craft or artistic skills? It would be great to have a hand-painted, visually energizing, 18 x 24 poster in red, white and blue that has the above quote and some fun background that could be displayed on a tripod (we need that, too) at the many public events that are unfolding. In fact, it would be great to have two posters, since there is so much going on.


What’s that? Artistic talent isn't your thing? You can still help! Lots of public outreach events are coming up. Let’s energize the public to register to vote, get informed through the League site, and make a specific plan on how they will vote. Here are the ongoing events:

· The Voter Services committee is fielding tabling requests. Contact Dillon Boatner or me to help. If you have not taken the Voter Registration training yet, you can find it here. This will prepare you for tabling.

· Also, the Speakers Bureau has pertinent topics to offer groups. If you belong to a group that would like to have a League speaker, contact Candy Birch. Please consider volunteering to be part of the speaker team. 

Our League has taken a position on three important ballot items that will be on the November ballot (not the August primary election). But they are hot topics that will receive much attention, so it is good to know the League positions. They are: 

1.    Vote YES on the City of Gainesville ballot measure that would return governance of our public utility to local officials.

2.    Vote YES on amending the County charter to provide for County Commissioner elections on an at-large basis.

3.    Vote YES on state constitutional Amendment 4, the amendment to limit government interference with abortion.

Please check the Action Alert page of our website each Tuesday. We post quick actions you can take to help get voters informed and to their ballots. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.


Thank you for being a League member. You can be proud to be in exceptional company. 


In League,


Primary Candidate Forum Recordings Available

The LWVAC's June 23 candidate forum, held in conjunction with the University of Florida's Bob Graham Center for Public Service and the LWVUF, was a smash.

At least 115 people attended the afternoon event, leaving organizers to hurriedly add more chairs to the room where the forum was being held.

Candidates for Alachua County Sheriff, Alachua County Commission District 1, Alachua County School Board districts 2 and 4, the Gainesville City Commission at-large A and District 1 and Florida State Representative District 22, each answering questions posed by League of Women Voters moderators.

If you missed the in person event or the live stream, a recording is available. Read the full article here or watch the recording.

Additionally, our colleagues at the LWV of Manatee County have put together a summary of how to select your candidates including important qualities to look for in different elected offices. You can read that here.

We're at the Matheson

Our League's partnership with the Matheson History Museum is a unique opportunity to reach the broad public during the "Voices and Votes" exhibits.

The Smithsonian Museum's traveling exhibit, "Voice and Votes: Democracy in America" will be here until Sept. 7 and takes a broad look at the nearly 250-year-old American experience with a government "by and for the people." It covers the origins of our democracy, battles for the right to vote and civil rights.

The local history exhibit, "Voices and Votes: Alachua County" will be open until 2025 and covers Alachua County's history of elections, suffrage, civil rights and more.

LWVAC has a table in the main exhibit room and volunteers staff the table during programmed events. LWVAC's Speakers Bureau will present a workshop on mis- and disinformation (see below). If you would like to help with planning or are at all available to help support the League's presence at the exhibit, contact Janice. This will be a lot of fun and can help motivate people to vote this election season. 

The Matheson History Museum is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free.

LWVAC and the LWVUS National Convention

The LWV of the United States held its national convention in late June. LWVAC participated with both in-person and virtual representatives. Newly elected President Dianna Wynn said, “A bigger, bolder, more powerful League of Women Voters can shape the future of our democracy.” New CEO Celina Stewart laid out a dynamic, ambitious vision for the League. Have a listen here.

As a League member, be proud to be in exceptional company. We are strong. We adapt. We organize. We’ve been around 100 years. We’re working on the next 100 years. Help us continue to defend democracy and empower voters. 

Read the full article here.

Save the Date

From FOSBA Gainesville website

Women's Equality Day Luncheon by the Friends of Susan B. Anthony

Aug. 24, 11:30 a.m.

Best Western Gateway Grand

4200 NW 97th Blvd., Gainesville

The Friends of Susan B. Anthony invite you to their annual Women's Equality Day Luncheon that celebrates the 176th anniversary of the women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848 and the 104th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. For more information and to register, please visit the event page. Deadline to register is today, Aug. 15. No sales at the door.

Building Resilience to Mis/Dis Information

Sept. 7, 2 p.m.

Matheson History Museum

513 E. University Ave., Gainesville

The Matheson History Museum and the LWVAC are partnering together to present “Building Resilience to Mis/Dis Information.” LWVAC members Candy Birch, Alison Keel, and Gwendolyn D. Saffo will lead the workshop. This is a two-part workshop designed to help citizens recognize and build immunity to mis and disinformation. The event is free and open to the public but space is limited and registration is required. Learn more and register here.

General Election Candidate Forum

Sept. 22, 12:30 p.m.

Santa Fe College Lyceum Concert Hall

3000 NW 83rd St., Gainesville

LWVAC and the UF Bob Graham Center for Public Service with the LWVSFare hosting a general election candidate forum. Candidates running in contested races on the November ballot will be invited to participate in the event on the Santa Fe College campus. It will be streamed on YouTube.

Ways you can help

GOTV Action Team

LWVAC is gearing up for an important and busy election year in 2024. We have created an Action Team focusing on Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts. Please contact Janice if you would like to be involved.

Meet & Mobilize Collaborative Initiative

This initiative was formed from the Meet & Mobilize event in January. The collaborative is made up of nonpartisan community organizations to create meaningful partnerships as we enter the 2024 election season through education, engagement and empowerment. Learn more here and if you want to join the mailing list, please send your email address to Yvette Carter and Gwendolyn Saffo.

League at the Library needs helpers

League at the Library, a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) initiative, is tabling once a month for two hours at 10 Alachua County library branches. The program boosts League visibility while we engage with potential voters at their neighborhood library. We need more volunteers to keep it up until the November election. Can you spare two hours? Contact Voter Services.

Empower our Elections

Every voter should be able to have an easy and efficient experience at the polls. There are several ways you can help make that happen, including being a Poll Worker, an Election Poll Monitor, or part of the Voter Concierge Corps. However you decide to get involved, do something today to help ensure our elections are accessible and run as smoothly as possible. Learn more.

Support Yes on 4!

Restrictions on reproductive freedom affect everyone, regardless of who they are or what they believe about abortion. The citizen-led ballot initiative, designated on the 2024 ballot as Amendment 4 and titled the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” seeks to create a constitutional amendment that would protect Floridians’ freedom to access abortion.

Join Yes on 4 and LWV as we work to educate voters and end government interference with abortion! Learn more.

Need a Speaker?

LWVAC speakers are just a call away

The Speakers Bureau is ready and eager to speak to interested groups. Contact Candy Birch if you know of a group that needs our speakers.

The nonpartisan, educational talks include: voter empowerment, voting in Alachua County, using, Florida constitutional amendments on the ballot, understanding the GRU referendum, understanding the At-Large Districts referendum, building resilience to mis/disinformation, Medicaid expansion on the 2026 ballot and What is the League?

Committee goings-on. Get involved!

Campus Outreach

Santa Fe Chapter

Linda Mussillo, LWVSF liaison/adviser

Caitlin Holmes, LWVSF chapter president

The LWV chapter at Santa Fe College is gearing up for an active fall: educating fellow students around ballot initiatives including Yes on 4; assisting with the General Election Candidate Forum at the SF Lyceum Concert Hall on Sept. 22; participating in the SF campus Club Rush and Civic Engagement Fairs; informing students around early voting in October at SF; and of course, registering new voters! The group has a new President, Caitlin Holmes, and Vice President, Gianna Rivera. Follow us on Instagram.

University of Florida Chapter

Diana Boxer, LWVUF liaison/adviser

Stefanie Gadalean, LWVUF chapter president

LWVUF President Stefanie Gadalean represented the UF and Alachua County Leagues at the LWVUS National Convention and helped moderate the June Primary Election Candidate Forum. The Executive Board is in place and ready to kick off a busy election season when fall classes begin. Follow us on Instagram for updates.

Gun Violence Prevention & Safety

Contact: Gwendolyn Saffo

  • The Gun Violence Prevention & Safety Committee met in July with County Commissioner Anna Prizzia. A recording is available here.
  • The committee is participating in the Community Gun Violence Prevention Alliance.
  • The next meeting is Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Health Care

Contacts: Barbara Frentzen and Kim Walsh-Childers

The Health Care Committee's next meeting is set for Sept. 9 at 4 p.m. in Conference Room A at Oak Hammock. The committee has been reviewing ways to get the most information about Medicare enrollment to older adults before open enrollment, which runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7.

Natural Resources

Contact: Jay Rosenbek

The Natural Resources Committee is monitoring development of the Lee Property, 4,608 acres on both sides of Parker Road, as well as the new city and county climate action plans. They are working with the Voter Services Committee to inform voters about the many local and state ballot issues on the November ballot. Natural Resources is especially focused on the GRU authority issue.

Oak Hammock

Contact: Mary White

Two election-related presentations are set for Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. at Oak Hammock. Donna Waller will discuss amendments on the ballot for the Nov. 5 general election. Her talk, "Power to the people or the state of Florida," is open to all. Lindsay Kallman from Yes on 4! will also make a presentation.

Voter Services

Contact: Dillon Boatner

Voter Services is working to ensure we are most effective in mobilizing voters before the November election. Starting in September, there will be many ways for League members to help directly reach out. Attend our next meeting on Sept. 4 at 6:30 p.m. to learn how you can get involved!


VOTE411 Voter Guide available

LWVAC is excited to again offer the nonpartisan election resource in time for the Aug. 20 primary and Gainesville city elections. Launched by the national League of Women Voters Education Fund in 2006, this one-stop online shop for election information has simple, accessible tools to help voters navigate the voting process.

New items in the LWVAC store

As part of our GOTV efforts, we are creating LWVAC-branded products you can buy to show your support of LWVAC while encouraging those around you to Get Out The Vote.

This 6" x 4" VOTE decal is perfect for the back window of your car. No better time to say it loud and proud! You can get yours for only $1.35 plus tax if we order 100 from the vendor.

Please email Candy Birch to be put on the list.

See the full selection of LWVAC swag here.

Re-request your Vote by Mail ballot

Don't forget that all Vote by Mail applications expired in December 2022. Now everyone must re-enroll in Vote by Mail every two years. You can sign up for Vote by Mail online. And you can check your registration and Vote by Mail status here.

Important Election Dates


Aug. 17: Last day of early voting for Florida's Primary and Gainesville City Elections.

Aug. 20: Florida's Primary and Gainesville's City Election Day.


Oct. 7: Deadline to register to vote in the General Election

Oct. 21-Nov. 2: Early Voting for the General Election

Oct. 24, 5 p.m.: Deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the General Election


Nov. 5: General Election and High Springs City Election


Dec. 3: Waldo City Election

Learn more at the Alachua County Supervisor of Elections website.

Comments, Questions, Feedback? Contact the editors, Connie Nicklin and Mickie Anderson

LWV of Alachua County Leadership Team

President: Janice Garry

Vice President: Gwendolyn Saffo

Secretary: Diane Dimperio

Treasurer: Anne D’Amico

A full list of LWV of Alachua County Board Members and Committee Chairs can be found here.

League of Women Voters of Alachua County |


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