* * * WHAT'S HAPPENING? * * *
Membership Meeting Wednesday @ 7:30 p.m.!
Annual Dinner Dance A SMASH HIT!!!

Join us for our November general business meeting this Wednesday, 11/9! We'll be serving a great dinner at 6:30 p.m., and then we'll begin our meeting promptly at 7:30 p.m. This is your chance to find out what's going on, give your input, and get involved with upcoming events and council projects. We will also have samples of council-wear (6318 shirts, fleeces, etc.) and take orders. All members are kindly requested to make an effort to join us at our monthly meetings!

And now, read-on for some council news and pictures from our Annual, upcoming event news, and an important public service message.

Our 45th Annual Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony was a hit!
(Scroll down for pictures)

On Saturday, November 5th, over 110 members of our council and Ladies Auxiliary, our families and guests, had a great time at our Annual! The St. James gym was transformed by our hard-working volunteers into a really nice venue for our event of the year. We had lots of delicious food, the bar was hopping, everybody mingled, and we danced all night thanks to Joe Greco and his band, The Music Connection.

We honored our Past Grand Knight, Jonathan Garcia, with the PGK Ring and the purchase of several wheelchairs for needy, disabled persons through donations to The American Wheelchair Foundation. We also presented service awards to Ladies Auxiliary Past President Cathy Sabatini-Oakes, Advocate Mike McDonald, PGK, Lecturer Anthony Falco, brother Knight Pat Cassidy, and a special token of our affection and thanks to Kathy O'Neill.

Of course, the highlight of the evening was the presentation of our Knight of the Year and Family of the Year Awards. Our Knight of the Year is our Worthy Warden and Color Corps Commander, Sir Knight Mike O'Brien, who has offered years of tireless service and faithful participation in council events. Our Family of the Year award went to Sir Knight Richard Ferris and his family.  Richie has not only provided exceptional service, but he has brought his family along with him and made them part of our council family. His example reminds us that we are a family organization and family members are always welcome! Mike and Richie were also honored with New York State Senatorial Proclamations presented by our member, Carmel Councilman Frank Lombardi, on behalf of Senator Terrence Murphy.

Thanks to Msgr. Marchitelli for allowing us to hold our event at St. James, and thanks to him and all of the St. James priests for joining us, especially Fr. Szymon and Msgr. Martin for their outstanding benediction and Grace before dinnner. And thanks also to all of our volunteers and guests, who made such a great night possible!

Knight of the Year, Sir Knight Michael P. O'Brien, pictured here with wife Andrea and son Michael.
The Ferris Family, with Richie proudly holding the Family of the Year Award.

Mohegan Sun Casino Excursion

Hop aboard for our Mario Antoci Memorial Mohegan Sun Casino Excursion on Saturday, November 12th!

For only $40, you get transportation, a six-hour stay at the casino, $15 lunch voucher, and $10 casino match play.

We'll start with coffee and donuts at the council at 7 a.m. Then the bus will leave our council at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Adult beverages served on the bus, but feel free to bring your own beverages as well.

We've done these in the past, and they have been nothing but great fun! We expect to sell-out again, so reserve today and don't miss out!

For information and reservations, please call PGK Bobby Palazzo at (845) 216-1997.


Our friends in the FOP Driscoll Lodge have asked us to pass along this important message:

NYPD Deputy Commissioner Lawrence Byrne has requested the below link be sent to all. The letters will assist the family in their efforts to deny parole for all four defendants who killed his brother, PO Edward Byrne, in 1988.
November 23, 2016 is the deadline for the on-line petitions.
Kindly take a minute to help keep these cop killers behind bars. 
Let us not forget those that made the ultimate sacrifice. 
Thank you.

As always, sincere thanks for your support in making these council events a success. Our council continues to accomplish great things only through the participation and volunteer help from our members. We look forward to seeing you!