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Impact Newsletter. Credit: USAID
If you watched the news last month, you probably saw President Obama land in Africa for a whirlwind tour of Kenya and Ethiopia.

Did you spot the lady who handed President Obama corn at the Faffa Foods Factory (pictured above)? Or see the young woman who shared her innovation at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit?

In addition to diplomatic business with members of the African Union, the president met with beneficiaries of USAID-supported programs to highlight the faces behind the American people’s international development work.

In our opinion, these are some pretty important people who don’t always sit at center stage. We’ve included a handful of their stories below.

The work that happens when the spotlights are off is what brings us closer to ending extreme poverty. Devoted researcher Dr. Suniti Solomon committed her life to transforming the face of HIV in India, and her impact inspired the stirring tribute we’ve also included this week. It’s a story worth reading.

Stories underlie our shared humanity. They teach us about what we value. They are windows to the world. USAID’s new storytelling hub was launched last month to bring powerful stories like that of Dr. Solomon to the forefront of our communications. This week, we’d also like to offer insight into our approach. Because we all know that stories can inspire us to great things. In the tremendous fight to end extreme poverty, we could all use a little inspiration.


Link to Multimedia: USAID’s Storytelling Hub Multimedia: USAID’s Storytelling Hub
Link to Video: Elizabeth turns on the Light Video: Elizabeth turns on the Light
Link to Blog: Equipping Africa to Support Its Own Development Blog: Equipping Africa to Support Its Own Development
Link to New Video: 'It feels good' to Save Lives New Video: "It feels good" to Save Lives
Link to Photo Essay: One Doctor’s Story of Hope Photo Essay: One Doctor’s Story of Hope
Link to FrontLines Magazine: Grand Challenges for Development FrontLines Magazine: Grand Challenges for Development
Link to Map: Results around the world Map: Results around the world
Link to Storify: Follow the President's visit via social media Storify: Follow the President's visit via social media
Link to Storify: Follow the President's visit via social media Blog: World Humanitarian Day


Gifty, The Mom Who Is Growing Giant Change. Credit: Daniella Maor, USAID
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Gifty, The Mom Who Is Growing Giant Change

Meet Gifty, the farmer who might call her uptick in corn production a miracle. You can imagine how elated Gifty was to meet President Obama at the Faffa Food Factory in Ethiopia. Gifty's smile is unique, but her story is not. She is one of 218,000 small farmers in this East African country who benefit annually from Feed the Future - the U.S. Government's global hunger and food security initiative. Her story begins with a whopper of a crop yield and grows as she shares the bounty.
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Innovation Turns On The Light

What about June Muli, the woman who got a hug from the President during the Power Africa Innovation Fair? She’s increasing access to solar power across Africa so that people like Teresia Olotai of Tanzania can charge their cell phones at home. Having power at home is a game changer for Teresia. Until recently, she was one of the 90 percent of rural Tanzanians who did not have power.
Innovation Turns On The Light. Credit: Rudy Gharib, USAID
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Remembering an HIV heroine

Physician-scientist-researcher-humanitarian. Dr. Suniti Solomon was not only an advocate, but also a leader who took on taboos to treat HIV in India. In this heartfelt tribute, USAID technical adviser and nurse, Margaret McCluskey, writes about her memories of Dr. Solomon - who passed away last month. We hope that the legacy of Dr. Solomon will inspire the next generation of heroes and heroines to rise to the surface.
Trash to 

Treasure. Credit: Morgana Wingard, USAID
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Trash to Treasure

A tidal wave of public-private investment in Africa is changing lives one family at a time. Creative programs like the Off-Grid Energy Challenge give entrepreneurs a chance to develop, scale-up or grow the use of sustainable power technologies. One challenge prize-winner, Amos Nguru, is even turning human waste into power.
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Thank a Humanitarian

“In just over a decade, the number of people in need of humanitarian aid has more than doubled. The mega-emergencies we now face are man-made crises that are a product of today’s turbulent times.” - Jeremy Konyndyk, Director of USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance

Explore the ways that USAID responds to international conflict, crisis and natural disaster in a photo essay created for World Humanitarian Day.
Ongoing conflict in South Sudan has forced more than 1.5 million people to flee their homes. Credit:  Jacob Zocherman, The Danish Refugee Council
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Storytelling from our perspective

Curious about how the USAID team thinks about telling the story of our work around the world? Content Division Chief Kelly Ramundo sheds light on our approach on Devex’s Global Views blog and highlights five crucial keys to powerful storytelling. Read her entry.
Tweet: Wearing 

@USAID cap, Pres Obama visits food factory in Addis Ababa supported by Feed the Future. - Mark Knoller
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A favorite trip tweet

“Wearing @USAID cap, Pres Obama visits food factory in Addis Ababa supported by Feed the Future.” Mark Knoller

Check out our full social media recap of the President’s trip to Africa.
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Mobile phone and tablet in tow, Habiba hunts #malaria in Zanzibar. #MalariaHeroes @USAIDGH

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The First Lady


Education allows Dalal the chance to pursue her dreams. Share her story: #LetGirlsLearn