A note from the engineering office regarding half-fields
This year, we offered
full, half, and quarter field game sets. We got a few calls from teams asking why a half field has one Cryptobox and Balancing Stone of each color, rather than all of one color like last year. Here's the scoop.
By getting one red and one blue, you ensure that two half fields will always create a full field. It also keeps our inventory levels more even between red and blue elements, which helps us keep everything in stock throughout the season.
And yes, there is a performance benefit to this too! Color sensing is a big part of the game, as the jewels are a healthy scoring opportunity and distinguishing glyph colors may factor into some strategies for speeding up Cipher completion. Depending on how you set your robot up, it's not impossible that light reflecting off a red or blue field element could affect sensor readings. By having both colors available, you've got a way to verify if it matters for your robot.