Newly Elected Council Members

Thank you to the Outgoing Council!

President Marko Jokinen, Lisa Clark, Jeff Peterson and Karen Zielinski.


My Family and I are deeply grateful for the affection and care all of you shared on my retirement! The cards and expressions of affirmation and encouragement have all been

life giving and filled with joy.

Grateful. Always, always, grateful,

Rev David Parks

Office Closed July 4 and 5

Pilgrims Preach July 14

in Worship

Kim Fischer, Phil Swicegood, and Bob and Mitch Spencer share spirited lessons gleaned on the way.

Journey Through Grief

2pm Wednesday, July 10.

Join others experiencing grief for a

simple, informal time of sharing, prayers and conversation about next steps we might take together. First timers welcome. Contact Chris Marl

Women's Book Group

7pm Monday, July 8 at Our Savior's. Contact Pastor Deb. or Karen Smith.

About 71 households have contributed so far toward the goal of

$250, 000. Thank You!

Work on enhanced lighting, access, parking, safety, play and efficiency around our campus has begun! Volunteers have been working to secure bids and ordering equipment. Thanks! If you need a pledge form, call the church office 425.252.0413 or go to the church website and click on “Give.” You’ll see a tab for “Outside at Our savior’s”

What’s Next?

With the retirement of Pastor Parks, the Council is moving Pastor Squires to full-time and making her head of staff. We are grateful for her openness to serving in that capacity and for her care for the congregation.


Later this summer, a “Ministry Assessment” process will begin. Our Savior’s is contracting with Rev Dr Rick Rouse as facilitator of this important time of listening, praying and imagining the future of pastoral ministry in our congregation. It will mean small group meetings, a survey and interviews with individuals. The goal is to have EveryOne participate.


Pastor Squires remains our Pastor and we appreciate her partnership in this season of new beginnings. We also give thanks for your ongoing devotion and participation at Our Savior’s. 

Read the Council's Letter to the Congregation HERE

Safe Haven

Do you currently work with youth or are you interested in getting involved in the future? Safe Haven training courses must be taken by all volunteers every two years. Next Trainings: September 5, 10am in person or 7pm virtually. Interested in signing up or need to see if your training is still valid? Contact Kendyll.

Vacation Bible School was out of This World

More than 33 kids and volunteers joined the fun as they "traveled" the world to answer the question, "Who is My Neighbor?"

Minecraft Club

Mondays, through August 12, 2-5 grade students are invited to join a six week Minecraft Club. Share your interest/sign-up HERE.

Save the Date

August 24, 6-12 grade multi-congregation summer end extravaganza. More details to come. Contact Kendyll Mathiason

Hot Meals At Central Lutheran

Our Savior's volunteers are providing food the first and third Sundays of the month.

Occasionally: A substitute Kitchen Boss is needed to plan, shop and lead meal prep. Please let Leasha or Christina know if you are willing to fill in occasionally. 

Like to Read? Usher? Make Coffee?

Get to know others, sign up to usher, greet, read, café host or acolyte during Worship. There are several opportunities available. Lavender sheets are in the Sanctuary or contact Laurel Allan or call the office 425.252.0413.

Quilters Meet

Our Savior's quilters meet the first, fourth and fifth Wednesday and the second Saturday of the month. EveryOne is welcome, no experience needed. See you there. Leasha Brown

Home Holy Communion 425.252.0413

Pastor Deb loves to visit and share. We also have a team of Home Holy Communion Ministers. Contact Pastor Deb Squires

Sharing Contributions Online

Visit and click on the "Give" tab. You'll see your way to share a gift to support the congregation.

There's a way to make a one-time gift or set up an automatic donation to sustain ministry. Please contact our Financial Secretary Carma Clark in the office at 425.252.0413.

Mail a gift to 215 W. Mukilteo Blvd, Everett, WA 98203.

Do you need to receive envelopes by mail?
No worries! We are happy to send them to you. If you are already getting them, but don't need them, let us know by clicking HERE. Office Manager Beth Hansen can remove your address from that mailing list so you won't receive unneeded mail.
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