Sky Posse Palo Alto

Dear Friends, 

Palo Alto will elect three new Councilmembers in November and election season has begun with several events in September to get to know the seven candidates.

Sky Posse participates in a very special event, the Midtown Residents’ Association Annual Ice Cream Social where candidates will be serving free ice cream, and looking to meet YOU. Please JOIN!

WHEN: Sunday September 25, 1-4 PM

WHERE: Hoover Park, 2901 Cowper St. Palo Alto 

Stop by for as long as you can. We need as many people as possible to meet and talk with potential and current Council members to let them know that jet noise is an important city issue. And be sure to stop by the Sky Posse table to say hi or to ask any questions and give feedback. If you can stay longer, we'll have chairs to hang out! 

The following are details on the various upcoming forums and debates this month, as reported by the Palo Alto Weekly. And more info, here.


Tuesday, Sept. 13, 7-9 p.m.: 

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m.: 

Thursday, Sept. 15, 6-7:30 p.m.: 

  • Candidate forum on housing by SV@Home Action Fund, Palo Alto Forward and the Palo Alto Renters Association on Zoom. Register at

Thursday, Sept. 22, 7-9 p.m.: 

  • Candidate forum by Palo Alto Neighborhoods in person at City Hall as well as broadcast on Channel 20 and live streamed by the Midpen Media Center and on Zoom at

Thursday, Sept. 29 7-8:30 p.m.: 

  • Candidate forum by League of Women Voters of Palo Alto on Zoom. Register at

Update on recent PACC Study Session 

August 1, 2022

Status of National and Regional Airplane Noise Initiatives

Meeting Replay is HERE.

Go to "Study Session" Agenda item 2.

and see Sky Posse Letter to PACC with 3 asks


Ask neighbors to JOIN OUR CALLS TO ACTION and to get updates by sending "SUBSCRIBE" to

  • Address unfair concentration of routes and "Fly at Higher Altitudes!"
  • Eliminate night time noise
  • Need new Metroplex re-design team and resources to work for communities.

Eliminating low altitude night traffic and noise should be the easiest task for FAA because there is no traffic congestion at night. Assessments of alternatives using the right tools and metrics* that reflect our experience on the ground are also long overdue.

***As we go forward, much of what we need is within the power of local and regional officials to help accomplish.***
Report intrusive jet noise!
The number of reporters matters (enlist neighbors who are bothered by intrusive jet noise to report!)

Use any of these methods: 

SFO PHONE 650.821.4736/Toll free 877.206.8290.
SFO traffic: click here for the link
SJC traffic: click her for the link
Other airports: click here for more info

Complaint Option with IFTTT App - You can make your own noise complaint button with smart phone app see instructions here. The app sends the complaints to (or the noise office email address of the airport of your choice) with the message body including name, address, time and noise type. You may also want to try programmable button with it.

Thank you!

Sky Posse Palo Alto