news & update


Celebrant: Rev Sheldon Hutchison

Preacher: Rev Cal Payne-Taylor

Organist: Lauren Wittine

Acolyte: Louise Delafield

Usher: Ross Soubirous

Greeter: Kathy Kennedy

Altar Guild: Mary Soubirous

The Lesson: Mary Soubirous

The Epistle: Paul Lovoi

Intercessor: Lenore Lovoi

Flowers: Mary Hufty

Coffee Hour: Linda Millard



Maria Geenen, Riley Reimund, Alice Anderson, Beatrix Bakken, Lucas Loaiza, Elisabeth Livingston

Sunday June 28th

Church Service 10 am

Coffee Hour - Fill Snack Bags

Monday July 29th

Nicole Sprague Memorial Service at Our Lady of the Wayside at 11 am

Reception at Christ Church at 12 pm

Wednesday July 31st, 10 am

Women's Spirituality on Zoom

Sunday Bulletin July 28th 2024


Please join as a community in lifting up the following people to God in prayer:


Nicole Sprague, Lynn Wilhelm-Holland, Helen Greer Feamster


David Riggs, Alyssa Hardbarger, Tyler Britton, Dede Jamison, Catherine Aragon, Carl Cheney, George Mallinckrodt, Robert Redfern-West, Peggy Dubes 

For pastoral care, you are invited to reach out to:

The Reverend Claire Dietrich Ranna

Tel: 650-948-2151 x 203, Cell: 415-305-0593, Email:


Rev Sheldon Hutchison and Rev Cal Payne-Taylor

Welcome the Reverend Sheldon Hutchison and the Reverend Cal Payne-Taylor who come to us this week from Christ Church Los Altos.

Rev Sheldon Hutchison is an assisting priest. He was ordained in 2004 after studying at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley. He has served in several parishes, as well as serving as a chaplain in prison ministry. He also takes services at The Forum at Rancho San Antonio, a continuing care community in Cupertino. With a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in physical electronics, he has spent much of his career in laser engineering. He speaks Russian.

Rev Cal Payne-Taylor is a curate at Christ Church Los Altos and in the words of Rev Hutchison "newly minted". He has worked in school recruiting with SchoolMint and in interfaith relations for Habitat for Humanity. He has an MA in theological history from UC Berkeley where he looked at religious peace and violence in theology, law, politics and culture. He has a BA in history and classics from Mount Holyoke, as well as studying at the University of Oxford and Leipzig University.


A Shepherd will be a caring presence, an active listener and a trusted confidant. We hope to offer training in September for volunteers and commission those who are

trained soon after.

To sign up, email Lenore Lovoi at


Read and discuss What Makes You Come Alive, A Spiritual Walk with Howard Thurman by Lerita Coleman Brown. Every Wednesday from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, online on Zoom.

Find out more from Mary Jennings,

What Makes You Come Alive - Book Cover


Pam Kaufmann at the Memory Care service in the Sequoias

Last Sunday, the Outreach Team gave two SpiritCare services at the Sequoias continuing care community in Portola Valley. The Memory Care service hymns were led by Ruth Ann Wrucke, accompanied by SpiritCare volunteer Dale Grace on the piano. Kathy Kennedy spoke about the Lord's Prayer.

The second service in Hanson Hall was broadcast throughout the Sequoias and Kathy spoke about Jesus at the Sea of Galilee, illustrating her talk with archaeological and scenic pictures. Ruth Ann sang, alongside SpiritCare volunteer Barbara Nelson, accompanied by Dale Grace. Carol Wentworth joined the team and Pam Kaufmann arranged the event. Thank you to all for bringing joy and spiritual support to residents of the Sequoias.

Fill Snack Bags After Church

Help assemble 100 snack bags during coffee hour for the Life Moves STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) camp program for unhoused children. 

Next Sunday help fill 20 backpacks

We will fill 20 backpacks for Life Moves shelter kids on August 4th, during coffee hour.

We still need watercolor paint sets, pencil cases, blunt small scissors, lunch boxes and more. Sign up and see what else is needed at then bring your items to the marked box in the church breezeway. Or you can have them sent directly to the church at 815 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028. 

Need Hotel-Sized Toiletries for the Hoptel, a Life Moves homeless vets shelter in EPA. If you have any, please bring them to the green marked box in the breezeway. 

Save the Date Saturday September 14th

Pack 15,000 meals in 2 hours with Rise Against Hunger to help those overseas who lack ready access to food.

Contact Kathy Kennedy to volunteer for any of our Outreach Opportunities.

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