Jo Massaro Ministries

Meet Kim Autrey of

Never Alone Publishing.

Never Alone Publishing is your guide on the side. We are here to help you

develop and edit your manuscript so that it is a product you can be proud to

show off—and one that will capture your readers’ attention and give them an

excellent reading experience.

As an author, you’re never alone in this vast world of book publishing. While

writing a book can be an alone process, the editing and publishing journey is

anything but alone. You have many professionals who will support you, cheer

you on, listen to your concerns, and encourage you mightily.

My goal is to serve two kinds of authors:

1. authors who want DIY and need step-by-step, and,

2. authors who want coaching, guidance, encouragement, and support.

Learn more about Never Alone Publishing  and Kim Autrey.

Liz Curtis Higgs's Podcast

Word by Word

Each weekend on Word by WordLiz Curtis Higgs focuses on a different biblical character, exploring both familiar narratives and fascinating, lesser-known stories.

Follow along with Liz’s teaching through the study guide. 

Listen here.

In Their Hands,Inc.

Our website will be available in November.

Our mission is to create a partnership with the community to enhance literacy skills.

We envision a community where all have the opportunity to further their literacy skills and positively affect their world.

If you are a children's author, please connect with me. We will have a link to children's books along with the author's website.

I spent a day with Kim Autrey as we gave away children's books.

Yes, I also dress up as JoJo the Clown and read books to children.

Look for book nook plans, how to create a story stroll, writers' groups for children, educational pages, and much more.

Sign up to receive updated informaiton.

Jo is accepting speaking invitations for 2024.

Jo is an inspirational speaker and is excited to speak at any Christian Women’s events, marriage events, women’s groups, MOPS, and schools.


Connect with her for availability and fees.


Sample of Topics:



  1. Jo is available to speak in person or virtually at conferences, book clubs, retreats, and churches. No group is too small.
  2. Jo was injured in an automobile accident in 2007 and suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury. How an encounter with God in 2012 began the road to healing.
  3. Her son, Jason, died the day before his second birthday. What no one knew was nine months before she had an abortion and believed God punished her by taking her son.
  4. Raising children - MOPS, homeschoolers.
  5. How God takes the extra weight and drains it from us.
  6. How the past does not dictate our future – multiple marriages.
  7. A son who was incarcerated and how God moved in his life. The impact on a family.
  8. Starting a non-profit, In Their Hands, Inc., and working on children’s literacy. 
  9. Are you stuck in the sand?
  10. What we carry in our baggage and how God wants to set us free.
  11. How comparison is the thief of joy.
  12. When we let go, it opens up space to let us grow.
  13. A shoe is just a shoe until someone steps in it.
  14. Do you feel invisible to God?
  15. Who do you see in the mirror?
  16. How God can breathe life into dead dreams.
  17. General Ministry events.
  18. Jo can offer a themed message designed for you.

Connect with Jo here.
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