Issue 69 December 2020
Meet Kelly Avila.
Outdoorswoman Extraordinaire

Interview with Kelly Avila who loves fishing, hunting and the great outdoors
--Larry Hayes

This month, I had the honor of chatting with Kelly Avila, Account Liaison at Heartland Hospice and former Director of a Fortune 500 company. An entrepreneur by nature, she launched and sold an import company that specifically improves the life of women. Kelly is
a passionate person and has led a woman's group at her church for many years. In her spare time, you can find her fishing, hunting or off on a travel adventure. She has a 27 year old son and a 1/2 lab and 1/2 great Dane dog named Lucy.

You're quite the outdoorswoman who loves fishing and hunting. Who introduced you to these sports?

You are so very right about my love for the outdoors Larry! My grandfather took me fishing while I was growing up so my passion for fishing started at a young age. I have been blessed to visit Alaska every year for the past 6 or so to fish for salmon and even took my son one year and now he is also hooked!

I was able to take him and his girlfriend fishing this summer and she caught a beautiful salmon on the Sacramento River so we now have a fishing family!
As far as hunting, well Larry, I didn’t start hunting till 2011 (I was 47 years old).

A friend invited me to shoot sporting clays. I loved it and continued to go on
my own, even got my instructor cert to teach! When I asked my BFF’s
husband (an avid hunter) to help me buy a shotgun, he made me promise to take a hunter’s safety course to learn proper gun safety.

At that time,I happened to be dating a hunter and after I finished and passed my hunter safety class, he took me dove hunting. Like fishing, I was hooked and the rest is history! I’ve been on many fun hunting trips including a trip to Argentina for dove and waterfowl hunting.

Many women of all ages are getting hooked into
fishing. Why is this?

When women go fishing and experience nature in many cases, they find themselves. Fishing is so relaxing and gives you the opportunity to watch
the sunrise, breath fresh air, spend quality time with people you love, relax and forget about our busy crazy demanding lives! Don’t get me wrong I love catching fish but for me it’s more about the above!

Are women also into hunting?

I do see more and more women getting into hunting. It is very empowering to be able to fill your freezer with healthy meat that’s not treated with hormones
or antibiotics! I love cooking for my family and friends, sharing the game harvested on my own.

Physicians Medical Group of San Jose Offers Tips To Help Celebrate The Holidays Safely
Instead of getting together with family and friends for the holidays
or New Year's celebrations this year, please connect with safe alternatives:

• Organize an online holiday gathering.

• Enjoy outdoor activities like taking a holiday walk.

• Drop off gifts or treats for friends and family without going inside.
Here are a few universal safety tips that everyone should follow:

• Avoid close contact with others outside your household. 
Stay six feet or more away from people who do not live with you.

• Wear a cloth face covering whenever you are around people not from your household. Facial coverings are required at businesses, but be sure to wear them around everyone --even on a walk in the neighborhood.

• Avoid cramped indoor spaces. The virus spreads much more easily indoors so try to make your holiday shopping trips count plus take safety precautions before, during and after you shop. 

• Wash or sanitize your hands frequently. Children may also need to be reminded to wash more often.

• Stay home if you do not feel well, have COVID-19 symptoms
or were recently exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Stay hopeful and remember that you're making the right choice for
the greater good and that this pandemic won't last forever! 
Physicians Medical Group of San Jose is the largest independent physician’s association in Santa Clara County. We have been part of
the community for 40 years with more than 1,000 doctors in 460 offices
plus we speak 30+ languages. Call 888.988.8682 or visit

 --Larry Hayes, CEO/Publisher

"Woke up this morning feeling somewhat blah with a stuffy, running nose that I've had for several weeks. I don't have the usual symptoms of Covid including the fever or chills, cough
or shortness of breath. But I worry nonetheless since I'm 80.
Should I get tested?"--Jay, Concord, CA

Everyone is scared to death of catching Covid so your fear is real, especially now due to the rampant spread of Covid infections and deaths in California and everywhere else.

I'm not a doctor but based on the symptoms you describe, it's unlikely that you have Covid. People forget it's also the "cold and flu" season so you might have the beginning stages of a cold or flu. Or allergies acting up. But if your symptoms get worse, by all means, contact your doctor immediately. You may not need a Covid test which is not easy to get. Hang in there.

Letter to The Scoop

"Thought you might like to know that I used your previous suggestion regarding dental treatments in regards to car repairs! I don't know if it's because Covid has hurt all businesses but I have found I can get repair shops to bid on oil changes, coolant change, even new tires. The dealer historically tends to always be the most expensive but lately, not only will they match the price, they will pick up and deliver my car--freshly washed, vacuumed and sanitized, too.

This has never happened in the past. I really appreciate it as it saves me money and I don't have to be exposed waiting in the service waiting room. I do tip the young man who delivers my car and who cleans and sanitizes it. It's the right thing to do...I'm grateful. Thanks for this tip as I have never negotiated any prices before. Stay well, please."--Pat, 76, Keichi, KS

You're a great negotiator! So is my wife. She has gotten substantial Covid-related discounts on our car insurance, phone, TV and Internet service. Never hurts to ask for a discount regardless of your age. Just remember to ask!
Got a Question? Ask me anything. If I don't know the answer, I'll find someone who does. Email me at ASK LARRY is written by Larry Hayes, CEO/Publisher of ActiveOver50. Larry
The creative genius behind Under Cardiac Arrest comics is John Donaghue, a talented art director from San Francisco. He has created dozens of comics about the frolics and humor of older adults.

For more laughs, go to: UnderCardiacArrest

JUST SOLD! $480,000

Why Live In An Active Adult 55+ Community?
--Carla Griffin, Broker, CRS, SRES, B&A Realtors, DRE#00710852

One of the best kept secrets in senior living housing is the Villages Golf & Country Club in San Jose, CA--the only active adult community in Silicon Valley.

Home to over 4,000 residents living in 2,309 condos and single family homes scattered throughout 550 secluded and scenic acres. Gated community for your safety and privacy. Lots of activities, clubs and fun things to do.

Prices from $400,000 to $1,000,000+
To learn more about The Villages, take an in-person tour with me. Call today. 408.274.8766

For a virtual tour of the "Just Sold" listing, go to:
Sour Home

--Evelyn Preston, The Money Lady

If longtime homeowners in California think they won a total reprieve from property taxes by recently voting for Prop 19, they are in for a big surprise.
 Voters needed to read and completely understand the critical second part of Prop. 19 that recently passed. If they plan to leave their home to their children/heirs, the state will require the property value be reassessed at current value for property taxes.
Especially vulnerable are the heirs of homeowners who bought property before the huge rise in home values.
What if I deed my property to my children and they rent it back to me?
The new tax would still apply; the children are required to use the house for their own personal residence and cannot rent back to parents.
Could I leave my home or transfer my property to my children now to use as a vacation home or rental?
Transferring property to children will trigger the reassessment
no matter how the property is used.
It sounds like there’d be no reassessment if I die and my daughter lives in my old home.
There is an exemption up to $1,000,000. However, it’s my understanding that to qualify for the exemption, all heirs
(if more than one) would need to move in together and share a household—adult children all living together!

Furthermore, even if the child/children use the residence as their own, there is the cap of $1,000,000 on the exclusion.
Why aren’t longtime owners grandfathered into their existing tax rate like the ongoing Proposition 13?
The first part of Prop. 19 does allow carrying the existing tax
rate when moving to a new property anywhere in California.
This second part raises property taxes to the current market value when a home is sold or transferred to heir(s.) In cases of long held properties, the tax would be unsustainable and probably force children to sell.
There must be lots of time to deal with this new law which practically prohibits passing on of many longtime residents’ major asset to their heirs!
Not much. The law goes into effect February 16, 2021. Like me, you should check with your Estate Planner or Trust Attorney!

Evelyn (Evie) Preston is a financial columnist for The Scoop and has worked as a financial advisor for over 25 years. She can be reached at 650.494.7443. Her book: Memoirs of The Money Lady is available at
With over 15 years experience right here in Silicon Valley,
I can answer all your questions.

Will the bank own my home?

The bank does not take ownership of your home; they simply extend a loan to you. You continue to own and live in your home and are responsible for payment of property taxes, required insurance and if applicable, HOA fees

Do my children/family members lose their inheritance?

No, a borrower may designate an heir of their choosing.The heir(s) will inherit the home after the last surviving borrower passes away and may then choose to keep (by paying off the amount of reverse mortgage balance) or sell the home. Should they choose to sell, any remaining equity after paying off the loan (minus interest and fees) would be theirs.

Contact me today to learn more! 408.722.0010 

Marilyn Brown Ross
Branch Manager & Reverse
Mortgage Professional
Inside Scoop!

Online Dating Sites For 50+
If you're single, 50 plus and looking for companionship, you might want to give online dating a shot. A divorced friend of mine not seeking marriage connected with a woman near his age (65) on the web. She,
a widow, was his faithful companion for the rest of his life traveling together around the world.

There are many online dating sites for older adults including Senior Match, Silver Singles and Our Time. No harm in looking around since Covid has put a hold on in-person dating. Note: most dating sites are
not free and require membership.

Favorite Books of Mine
As you might expect as the publisher of A050, I get many books to review on multiple subjects including retirement, money, housing,
health and travel. My all-time favorites include:

Jane Brody's "Guide To The Great Beyond"--a practical primer to help you and your loved ones prepare medically, legally and emotionally for the end of life. Excellent resource.

"How To Make Your Money Last" by Jane Bryant Young. It's the
best book I've ever read on money and retirement. I gave a copy to my daughter and son-in-law hoping they will read it someday. Highly recommended.

"Younger Next Year. Live Strong, Fit and Sexy Until You're 80
and Beyond" by Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge, MD. Written in plain, entertaining English, this book provides sound information and practical suggestions for living a long, healthy and active life.

All available on

Resource For Older Adults
Over 50 and looking for help and resources for yourself or your family? Check out Avenidas of Palo Alto, CA. Avenidas provides a wide range
of programs, information and services to help older adults stay active, maintain independence, help their aging parents or care for a spouse.

January 2021 programs include online events and classes on Covid, Caregiving, Tech Tutoring, Diet for Diabetes and Mindfulness & Meditation. For a complete list of programs and classes, go to:

Got News?
What's happening in your life and/or business? Send us news (up to
100 words) that you think would be of interest to the readers of The Scoop. Submit any interesting news and/or human interest story.
Share The Scoop with your friends, family and colleagues. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Reach me at 408.921.5806

Keep Moving

P.S. The Scoop reaches over 100,000 boomers and seniors in the
San Francisco Bay Area. For editorial and advertising opportunities, email: Learn More