September 2019 eNews from CAP/Corbett
From our Executive Director
Dear Friends,
Currently, I am in Columbus, OH, navigating through the
Wendy's Wonderful Kids
(WWK) model training at the
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
conference. More than
50 recruiters and supervisors have gathered, dedicated to the WWK model, and brainstorming how to best connect older youth to families.
More than school, clothing, and supplies, long waiting youth in foster care need a family.
CAP is committed to this work every day. As we begin a new season and prepare for the holidays, please consider how you can assist our longest waiting youth in need of a family.
We thank you and look forward to seeing you at our November 30 gala!
All my best,
Lauri McKnight
Curious and imaginative, 13-year-old Josh loves to role-play and be outside. Want to put a big smile on his face? Take him to a big playground with a twisty slide! Josh loves to be included and be helpful.
He is looking for a family to "do normal things with, like hug and say 'I love you.'”
Home, Heart & Harmony:
A Forever Home for the Holidays
Saturday, November 30, 6 pm
Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center
Tickets for our November gala,
Home, Heart & Harmony
, are now on sale!
CLICK HERE to buy your tickets for a terrific evening of
live music by
Gap Mangione
and the
Jimmie Highsmith Jr. Band
, plus scrumptious cuisine, raffles, a silent auction, and more!
Emcee/media celebrity Joe Lomonaco
, iHeart Media, NewsRadio WHAM 1180, will keep things fun!
In addition, we count on the
generosity of our sponsors for this--our biggest event of the year! Various levels are available with many benefits. One is just right for you, your organization, or your company.
Check them out!
Your ticket, sponsorship, or donation supports our critical work to recruit permanent, adoptive families, provide post-adoptive services, and raise awareness of children waiting the longest in foster care for a forever family.
MAPP Training Classes Begin September 12
Thursday, September 12, from 6-9 pm
, our own
Adoption Specialist/Program Manager
Veronica Black begins our
MAPP Training
Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting
) classes.
This 10-week training is for
prospective foster and adoptive parents.
Classes meet
every Thursday
starting September 12. They help prospective parents make an informed decision to pursue foster parenting or adoption.
If you cannot attend starting the first week,
and make up missed classes at the end. Call (585) 232-5110 for details.
Meet at the CAP office, 274 N. Goodman St., Suite D103, Rochester.
Spotlight on New CAP Interns:
Caitlin Graney and Megan Cleveringa
We're excited to introduce our new MSW student interns from Roberts Wesleyan College: Caitlin Graney (L) and Megan Cleveringa (R).
Caitlin is originally from the Rochester area, and Megan hails from Iowa. We're thrilled to have them both!
Foster and Adoption in the News...
"A 1978 law giving preference to Native American families in foster care and adoption proceedings involving American Indian children is constitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Friday, reversing a lower court judge in a case fraught with emotional arguments over adoptive families being 'torn apart' and the urgency of protecting tribal families and cultures."
Read more here...
"Attorneys representing foster children in Kansas have filed a motion to amend their ongoing class-action lawsuit, insisting even more vulnerable kids in the state are being harmed.
Since the suit was filed in November, children still bounce from placement to placement and are subjected to 'night-to-night' stays, only compounding the instability they feel, according to court records filed late Friday."
Read more here...
Upcoming Events: Mark Your Calendars
Thursday, September 12: MAPP Training classes begin, 6-9 pm
Tuesday, September 24: Adoption Information Meeting, 6-7 pm
Tuesday, November 5: Heart Gallery Reception, The Strong Museum
Saturday, November 30
: "Home, Heart & Harmony: A Forever Home for the Holidays" CAP/Corbett Gala, Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center
Sunday, December 8:
"A Christmas Carol" one-man show with actor Kim Tenreiro, Comedy at the Carlson, 2 pm.
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Children Awaiting Parents/Donald J. Corbett Adoption Agency
(585) 232-5110, (888) 835-8802
274 N. Goodman Street, Ste D103, Rochester, NY 14607