Jo Harmon (BBO: 1Honey1): "Love the Friendly Atmosphere"
When did you start playing bridge and why? I started playing bridge in 2016. I was confined to complete bed rest for 3.5 months after a surgical procedure. My friend Geri Van Dyke, who was an excellent bridge player, brought two of her friends and they taught me to play bridge. Their patience and knowledge has been such a gift to me.
What do you like about Sun Valley Bridge? I love the Sun Valley bridge group because of their friendly atmosphere. Jo and Chuck have been so supportive. I have had four great partners, Nancy Mulroney, Errol Flynn, Patty Nelson and the late Bill Cassell. I am so grateful for all of them.
What was your profession in a past life? I was an interior designer for 35 years in San Jose, Calif. I lived in Arkansas until I graduated from high school at age 15. I moved to Westwood, Calif., to attend school at UCLA. I lived in San Jose for 53 years before moving to Sun Valley.
What are you doing when you aren't playing bridge? I have joined a few charitable organizations to do volunteer work here. I have four grandchildren, and I have so much fun spending time with them.
Anything else? I'm grateful for this beautiful area and the many friends I have made since moving here.