June, 2023

Medicaid Changes, Pride Month, and Staying Connected

June has been very busy for Alliance of Disability Advocates and we anticipating July being even more so! July begins the celebration of Disability Pride Month, commemorating the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26th, 1990. We will be out and about spreading the word about important issues to the Disability community at various events throughout the month. If you want to know where we will be, keep an eye on our Facebook!

Pride Month

June is Pride Month across the country, which makes this month a great time to discuss the intersectionality between the LGBTQIA+ community and the Disability Community. 1 in 4 LGBTQIA+ adults in America have some form of a disability, which is higher than the general prevalence of 1 in 5 nationally.

Many great leaders have identities that fall in both of these communities, and we want to take a moment to highlight important discussions about the intersection of these identities.

LGBT People with Disabilities

LGBT Movement Advancement Project

July 2017

Pride will only be truly inclusive when it is accessible to disabled LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ Nation

June 17, 2023

8 Ways to be a better ally to LGBT Disabled people


July 2020

Current Happenings in the Disability World

The Aftermath of the Medicaid Changes

In our March Newsletter, we discussed the changes happening with Medicaid and encouraged everyone receiving those services to act swiftly if they receive statements about updating their information. During the past few months, these changes have been rolled out across the United States and over 1 million people have lost services so far.

There is a lot of confusion over what exactly is happening, so we wanted to clear up some of the questions you may have as best as we can. The reason that this change is happening is because during the height of the pandemic, the federal government enacted a National State of Emergency that required states to accept more people into Medicaid and prohibited them from dropping anyone from receiving services. This helped many people get or keep support when they needed it the most.

Now that the world is attempting to return to normalcy, it is not feasible for states to continue supporting this many people on Medicaid, especially since many who are being covered would not have qualified before the State of Emergency. Therefore, the federal government set a timeline for states to start reevaluating coverage starting in April.

However, with the sheer amount of people that every state had to process, any missing updates in a person's income or personal information led to them getting notices about being dropped (or if you were unlucky, getting dropped without warning). The majority of people were dropped for not filling out paperwork.

Before the pandemic, states were able to work through individual cases as problems arose, but now everything is happening at the same time which is leading to numerous problems for both the individuals receiving Medicaid and the people assisting them with keeping their services. Many people have found that every time they get a problem with their coverage resolved, a new problem arises and they have to start the grueling process of getting changes made to fix the problem all over. Considering the number of people who are all trying to get these fixes made at the same time, this is not a smooth or pleasant process.

Though eligibility review was required by the federal government, many states were too hasty in making these changes and have caused themselves and their residents much stress.

The best thing that you can do if you were unjustly dropped from Medicaid, is to keep calling and resolving issues as they come up. Though it may be a headache, it is likely worth it in order to keep your Medicaid benefits.

"Pain, pleasure, and death are no more than a process for existence. The revolutionary struggle in this process is a doorway open to intelligence"

― Frida Kahlo, The Diary of Frida Kahlo: An Intimate Self-Portrait

We are Hiring!

Alliance of Disability Advocates is hiring for multiple positions. See more information and learn how to apply on our website at adanc.org/employment

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If you want more frequent updates about events and occurrences related to the disability community in the triangle area, follow our Facebook page. Search Alliance of Disability Advocates or go to facebook.com/AllianceCIL

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What We're Reading

Firefighter First in NC to Get Accommodations for EMT Exam

by Disability Rights NC | June 28, 2023

Trailblazer sets examples for others: “I have wanted to be a firefighter since I was 5.” A firefighter who was denied the disability related accommodations he needed to take the NC Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) exam will now get those necessary accommodations...

Biden Administration Plans Crackdown On Disability Rights Violations

by Michelle Diament | June 26, 2023

Federal officials are beefing up enforcement of a key U.S. Supreme Court decision that affirmed the rights of people with disabilities to be supported in the community whenever possible. The Office for Civil Rights at the...

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