Media Advisory
Jan. 16, 2019

Contact: Benjamin Clapper
La. Rep. Katrina Jackson to Speak
at National March for Life Rally
Nearly 2,000 Louisiana Youth Expected to Participate
This Friday, Jan. 18, hundreds of thousands of individuals will gather on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the 46th annual National March for Life and March for Life Rally. The March for Life Rally precedes the March for Life, and rally speakers have included Vice President Mike Pence, President Donald Trump (by telecast), and many others.

This year, Louisiana's own State Rep. Katrina Jackson (D-Monroe) will be among the speakers at the March for Life Rally. Rep. Jackson is a passionate advocate for justice in all forms, including the protection of life in the womb and the support of women who face unplanned pregnancies. She authored the 2014 "Unsafe Abortion Protection Act," which requires admitting privileges at abortion facilities in Louisiana. The legal proceedings regarding that law are still ongoing in the United States Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, said, "Rep. Jackson is a tremendous advocate for the pro-life cause, and we are thrilled that she will be speaking on this national platform at the March for Life. We hope Rep. Jackson's presence will inspire the nation to follow Louisiana's model where leaders in all political parties defend life."

In addition to Rep. Jackson's presence, nearly 2,000 Louisiana high school students from across the state are traveling by bus and plane to Washington, D.C. to participate in the National March for Life. Louisiana Right to Life will host its annual "Geaux Forth Rally" on Thursday morning in Washington, D.C. for many of these students.


• To interview Rep. Jackson, contact her office at (318) 343-2877.
• To interview Benjamin Clapper or other youth in Washington, D.C. for the March for Life, call Clapper at 504.228.4273.