Media Advisory
Feb. 24, 2020

Contact: Amanda Nottingtham
Press Conference Scheduled in Shreveport
Ahead of March 4 Supreme Court Hearing
SHREVEPORT – Louisiana Right to Life and pro-woman pro-life leaders will hold a press conference Friday, Feb. 28, at noon in front of the Tom Stagg United States Court House to call attention to the ways June Medical Services, a for-profit abortion business that operates under the name of "Hope Medical Group for Women" in Shreveport, has harmed women and violated basic health standards in North Louisiana.

On March 4, June Medical Services v. Russo will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. At Friday's press conference we will share why it is so important that the Supreme Court uphold Louisiana's law (Act 620), which requires physicians performing abortion to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.

Speakers include:
  • Amanda Nottingham, North Louisiana Director, Louisiana Right to Life
  • Amy Blackwell, former patient, Hope Medical Group for Women
  • Deanna Wallace, Communications Officer, Louisiana Attorney General
  • John Nickelson, Shreveport City Councilman