July 3, 2018 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,

This week started off with exciting news as Governor Andrew Cuomo came to Kingston to announce the six projects selected for funding through the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) award in the Stockade District. Over the past few months, we had the opportunity to work with a wonderful group of community members serving on the Local Planning Committee to develop and refine priority projects that would significantly benefit our community and respond to the requirements of the program. I would encourage you to read our Strategic Investment Plan, which will serve us well in the coming years as we work to implement these projects in the Stockade District and build upon this important investment. As we learn about next steps in this process, I will be sure to share that information with all of you. This is a huge endeavor and will require a community effort in order to move these projects forward, along with all of the other exciting initiatives we're working on throughout the City. Stay tuned!

This exciting week continues with some of our most cherished community events coming up. I hope you will join us on Wednesday for our annual 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks! We will also be celebrating 50 years of childhood memories and fun at the 50th Annual Children's Day Parade on Friday. Also, don't forget to mark your calendars for this year's Movies Under the Stars Summer Movie Series!

Governor Cuomo Announces Selected Projects for 
Kingston's Downtown Revitalization Initiative

Downtown Revitalization Initiative DRI Announcement
Downtown Revitalization Initiative DRI Announcement

"Kingston was our state's first capital and has the opportunity to be a future hub of economic energy and excitement for the region," Governor Cuomo said. "These projects will transform the Stockade District into a vibrant neighborhood, boost the local economy and drive growth throughout the Hudson Valley."

Mayor Noble was excited to welcome Governor Andrew Cuomo to Kingston on Monday for a special announcement regarding the City's Downtown Revitalization Initiative in the Stockade District. Governor Cuomo announced funding for six priority projects, totaling $9.7 million, including:

Schwenk Drive Complete Street Redesign: 
Reconfiguration of Schwenk Drive between Washington Avenue and Fair Street into a complete street to create a desirable, walkable, pedestrian-friendly connection through the Stockade Business District, and eventually the Kingston Greenline trail system. Work will include lane reconfiguration, intersection upgrades and ADA improvements, creation of new two-way protected bicycle lanes, and creation of a new parking lane. ($987,102)
Upgrade Dietz Stadium and Andretta Pool, a 2,000-seat facility that serves as a major venue for organized sports both locally and regionally. Improvements will be made to bleachers, water fountains, fencing and gates, lighting, bike racks, lockers rooms and bathrooms, food vending, signage, and parking. Additional upgrades will be made to the Andretta Pool and picnic facility, located across from Dietz Stadium. ($2,500,000)

Frog Alley Park Historic Green Space:
Stabilize the remnants of the historic Louw-Bogardus House and create a public open space along Frog Alley next to the ruins which will serve as a gateway to the Stockade Business District. The Friends of Historic Kingston will open the site to the public after stabilizing the ruin and adding interpretive signage, paving, lighting and park amenities. ($472,500)

Stockade Business District Access and Circulation Improvements: 
Improvement of pedestrian access, traffic circulation, and wayfinding signage within the Stockade Business District, including improvements to the intersection of Albany and Clinton Avenues. Key upgrades identified in previous transportation plans will improve safety and navigability while attracting tourism, shopping, dining and business activity to the area. ($1,340,398)

Kingstonian Development Public Plaza and Pedestrian Bridge:
Provide for public amenities within the new $48 million Kingstonian mixed-use development that will transform a largely underutilized site at a prominent intersection by adding 132 residential units; 8,500 square feet of commercial space expected to include a mix of restaurants and retail shops; a 34-room hotel; and a 420-space parking garage with 250 spaces dedicated for public use. DRI funds will provide public amenities within the development to enhance its value to the community, including a pedestrian plaza with a walking bridge extending to Kingston Plaza. ($3,800,000)

Stockade Business District Small Grants and Loans Program: Support downtown small businesses and property owners by offering financial assistance in the form of small grants and loans for targeted improvements throughout the downtown, including façade improvements for buildings in the Stockade Business District; support for new and expanding businesses; and rehabilitation of downtown residential properties. ($600,000)

About the Downtown Revitalization Initiative:  In September 2017, Governor Cuomo announced that the City of Kingston was the winner of the Second Round of funding through the Downtown Revitalization Initiative. The competition included 100 applicants and only 10 winners in the State. The following criteria was used in the DRI community selection:
  • The downtown should be compact, with well-defined boundaries;
  • The municipality, or the downtown's catchment area, should be of sufficient size to support a vibrant, year-round downtown; 
  • The downtown is able to capitalize on prior or catalyze future private and public investment in the neighborhood and its surrounding areas;
  • There should be recent or impending job growth within, or in close proximity to the downtown that can attract workers to the downtown, support redevelopment and make growth sustainable;
  • The downtown must be an attractive and livable community for diverse populations of all ages, including existing residents, millennials and skilled workers;
  • The municipality should already embrace or have the ability to create and implement policies that increase livability and quality of life, including the use of local land banks, modern zoning codes and parking standards, complete streets plans, energy efficient projects, green jobs, and transit-oriented development;
  • The municipality should have conducted an open and robust community engagement process resulting in a vision for downtown revitalization and a preliminary list of projects and initiatives that may be included in a DRI strategic investment plan; and
  • The municipality has identified transformative projects that will be ready for implementation with an infusion of DRI funds within the first one to two years.
Stay up to date with future DRI news by visiting www.kingston-ny.gov/DRI 
Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks

Join us for the City of Kingston's Annual 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks! The festivities will take place on Wednesday, July 4th along Kingston's beautiful Waterfront and will include live entertainment and fireworks. Entertainment begins around 4:00pm and fireworks will be set off at 9:30pm. 

Event Details

The event will include live music from 4:00pm-9:00pm at T.R. Gallo Park, presented by 92.9 WBPM, Rondout Savings Bank, The Reis Group, and WMC Health Alliance Hospital. The lineup includes:

4:00pm - Sass & Brass (Pop)
5:30pm - The Geezus Butlers (Classic Rock)
7:00pm - Little Creek (Country)
8:30pm - Hot Rod (Classic Hits)

The fireworks display will begin at 9:30 and will be presented by Al Mainetti & Joseph O'Connor, Attorneys. The fireworks will be launched from the Wurts St. Bridge and the best view will be between the Route 9W Bridge and the Wurts Street Bridge at Lower Broadway and TR Gallo Park.

Shuttle Services:  Traffic and parking rules will be strictly enforced. The City of Kingston will be offering free shuttle services to the Waterfront. Parking and shuttle pick up will be available at the Kingston Plaza (near the ballfield) and the Cornell St. Parking lot. Shuttles from these lots will drop off riders at the corner of Abeel St. and Broadway. There will also be a parking area designated for ADA parking and shuttle services at Kingston Point Beach. Shuttles from Kingston Point will drop riders off under the 9W Bridge.

Parking and Traffic Pattern Changes:  The following streets will be closed to Vehicular Traffic with No Parking from 3:00pm on July 4th until midnight: Broadway from Abeel Street to East Strand (Both Sides); All of West Strand; East Strand from Broadway to the municipal parking lot entrance. The Wurts Street (Old Rt. 9w) Bridge will be closed with NO PARKING from 8am on July 4th until midnight.

From 2 pm on July 4th until midnight, there will be NO PARKING on both sides of Abeel Street from Wurts Street to Broadway and the first three parking spaces on Broadway from the intersection of Abeel (approaching Garraghan Drive) to accommodate the shuttle bus maneuvering. There will also be NO PARKING on Wednesday, July 4th, from 7:00am until midnight in the 3 rows of parking spaces closest to Gallo Park in the parking lot behind Mariner's Harbor, at the intersection of West Strand and Dock Street.

No pedestrians will be allowed on the Wurts Street Bridge from 8 am on Wednesday, July 4th until midnight. No pedestrians will be allowed on the Rt. 9w Bridge from 6pm to 10:30pm.
50th Annual Children's Day Parade
Friday, July 6th

Join the Kingston Parks and Recreation Department as we celebrate the 50th Annual Children's Day Parade! This year's theme is "50 Years of Family Films!" We will take a fun look back at children's movies over the past 50 years. 

Line up for the parade will begin at 4:30, with a first come first serve basis on Pine Grove Avenue, and will end at the Kingston Plaza, where we will celebrate the parade's 50th birthday with hot dogs & cupcakes for all participants! 

For more information call 845-481-7330.
Application to Serve on Boards, Commissions and Committees Now Available Online

Do you want to become All individuals interested in serving on a Board, Commission and/or Committee must complete an application and submit it to the Mayor's office for review. This information will be used in determining which individuals are best suited to serve on each Board, Commission and Committee, based on their qualifications, backgrounds, skills and interests. The purpose of this application process is to enable the City to recruit individuals who have a strong desire and ability to serve and to ensure that each Board, Commission and Committee reflects the rich diversity of our community. We are striving to build an inclusive process that seeks to attract applicants who embody the values and principles of our community and who are committed to serving in this important role with integrity, respect, compassion, and professionalism.
In addition to new applicants, individuals who currently serve on Boards/Commissions/Committees are required to complete applications when their terms expire.
Or download the application here and return it to the Mayor's Office at City Hall, located at 420 Broadway.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Mayor Noble's Confidential Secretary, Lynsey Timbrouck, at (845) 334-3902 or ltimbrouck@kingston-ny.gov.
"Movies Under the Stars" 
Summer Schedule Announced

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the return of the City's popular "Movies Under the Stars" program, which seeks to connect local residents and visitors to Kingston's parks and public spaces through a series of free outdoor movie events.
"I'm excited to announce another great summer movie season," said Mayor Noble. "Bring a chair or blanket, visit our local restaurants, and spend some time reconnecting with family, friends and neighbors."
The free "Movies Under the Stars" program is made possible thanks to our generous sponsors. To become a sponsor, please call Carly Winnie, City Clerk and Chair of the Planning Committee, at 334-3914 or e-mail her at: 
Films are shown at 8:30pm on each of the scheduled movie dates. In the event of rain, notifications about postponements or cancellations will be sent to local media and posted at www.kingston-ny.gov and on the City's Facebook page.

Join us for our first movie, JAWS, on Friday, July 13th at 8:30pm at Cornell Park.  This movie is sponsored by Kingston Wine Co. and Clove and Creek.
Mondays with the Mayor on Radio Kingston

Learn more about City of Kingston projects, programs and activities by tuning in to Mondays with the Mayor on  Radio Kingston (1490AM) each week at 3:30pm. 

Click here to listen to this week's show, featuring Kevin Gilfeather, Superintendent of the Kingston Parks and Recreation Department. Kevin visited this week to discuss the many exciting events coming up in Kingston, including Wednesday's 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks, Friday's 50th Annual Children's Day Parade, and the launch of the Movies Under the Stars 2018 Summer Movie Series.
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at 
KingstonHappenings.org  do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: