September 11, 2017 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that we mark the 16th anniversary of the devastating attacks on September 11, 2001. While we will never forget the loss and pain from that day, we also witnessed the very best of humanity, with incredible acts of bravery, courage and compassion
I remain forever grateful for those who have and continue to serve as first responders, ready and willing to risk their own lives in order to save others.
Celebrate Kingston!

The City of Kingston is proud to co-sponsor a free theatrical event featuring an evening of history & community with short films and rare photographs about Kingston, plus live music & dance
Saturday, September 23 (Art Walk Weekend 2017)
Gallo Park - Rondout Waterfront
7pm - 9pm
(Rain date 9/30)
- Short films including: the emerging Midtown Arts District; local photographers Gene Dauner and Mickey Mathis; 80th anniversary of Kingston's Model Train Club; musicians Pauline Oliveros and Ione; Uncle Willy and Boxer Billy Costello; and other surprises.
- Historic photographic presentations of Kingston: Then & Now
- Dance performance by the Center for Creative Education, with a twist!
- Live music by New York Funk Alliance and others
City of Kingston Announces Design Review Meeting of the Kingston Greenline's Hasbrouck-Delaware Parklet to be held on Tuesday, September 26th
Kingston Completes "Safe Routes to School" Project
Project partners celebrating the completion of the project
Photo credit: Kate Heidecker
Mayor Steve Noble was pleased to announce the completion of the Safe Routes to School Project in the City of Kingston at a press conference on Friday afternoon. The project included multiple infrastructure improvements throughout the City, with the primary goal of improving the safety of walking routes to the J.W. Bailey Middle School, and the Edson, George Washington, and John F. Kennedy Elementary Schools.
Project components included:
- Three permanent electronic signs alerting drivers to their speeds were installed and operating on Hurley and Lucas avenues, near the Edson and Bailey schools, and Delaware Avenue, near JFK Elementary.
- A new sidewalk was installed on Burhans Boulevard, connecting the Lucas Avenue sidewalks to Edson/Bailey School
- Speed calming humps were installed on Joy's Lane near Dietz Stadium
- A completely new traffic signal, pedestrian signal and curb cuts were installed at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Lucas Avenue
- ADA compliant curb cuts were installed on Hurley Avenue near Quarry Street
- ADA compliant curb cuts and new pedestrian signals were installed at the intersection of Murray and Delaware Avenue
- ADA compliant curb cuts were installed at Gross street, which is the entrance to John F. Kennedy School
- Additional crosswalk painting was done in various locations near Kingston's schools
The City bonded for a total of $577,000 for the project, but was eligible to be reimbursed $489,000 through federal Safe Routes to School funds administered by the NYS DOT. Design and inspection were completed by Greenman Pederson, Inc. and the construction was completed by Sun-Up Enterprises Inc. Ralph Swenson, the City Engineer, oversaw the project.
For more information about the City of Kingston's transportation projects, visit:
To view and listen to remarks from Mayor Noble and Dr. Padalino, Superintendent of the Kingston City School District,
watch the video here. Special thanks to Clark Richters/The Kingston News for filming the event.
Mayor Steve Noble Introduces Development Team for
Proposed Mixed Use Project and Parking Garage in Stockade District
Mayor Steve Noble was pleased to welcome members of the public and media to an announcement at the Senate Garage in Uptown Kingston on Thursday. The purpose of the event was to introduce the team who will be working to redevelop the site of the former parking garage, located at 21 North Front St. These partners include Joe Bonura, Jr., Patrick Page, and Brad Jordan. Mayor Noble was joined by Ulster County Executive Mike Hein for this announcement.
Read more about the event announcement here.
Special thanks to Clark Richters/The Kingston News for filming this event.
City of Kingston Hosts 2nd Annual
Community Budget Forum
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2nd Annual Community Budget Forum! Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, offer feedback and give suggestions as the City prepares the 2018 budget.
To view the budget presentation delivered by City Comptroller John Tuey,
click here.
To give your input, please complete a short budget survey by
clicking here. The survey will be open until
Friday, September 15th.
West Point Glee Club Performs at Gallo Park
The West Point Glee Club preparing to perform.
Residents and visitors of the City of Kingston enjoyed quite the treat on Saturday night, with a special pop-up performance of the West Point Glee Club. Following an introduction by Mayor Noble, the cadets performed a medley of classic and contemporary songs, much to the delight of those listening. The performance ended with a rousing rendition of our national anthem, with the audience invited to join in.
View more pictures from the evening in the Kingston Happenings photo album
About the West Point Glee Club:
The West Point Glee Club is one of the U.S. Military Academy's most visible cadet organizations. For over one hundred years, its members have touched audiences around the world with a model depiction of the Corps of Cadets through live performance in the nation's finest concert halls, national network and feature film appearances, and CD and DVD recordings. The Glee Club enhances life at West Point through its traditional and ceremonial duties, and represents West Point and the U.S. Army at official events. The cadet chain of command functions in the Army staff model and is essential to the planning and execution of the club's many activities. The camaraderie enjoyed by members in their pursuit of performance excellence is best summed-up in the club's time-honored motto: "No fun without music, no music without fun!"
Save the Date: Burning of Kingston Returns!
Join us for the biennial Burning of Kingston weekend-long event- a fun and free weekend event awaits you! The Burning of Kingston commemorates real American Revolutionary history with live reenactments, battle scenes, 18th century grand ball, cemetery ghost tours, bucket brigade contests, military camp tours, and much more. Starting on Friday October 13 through the 15th in Kingston.
Fri. 7pm - The Great Debate - Persen House Fri. 7:45pm - Cemetery Candlelight Tales - Old Dutch Church (*$10/pp) Sat. 11am - British Landing - Kingston Point Park Sat. 1pm - Bucket Brigade Contest (anyone can enter) - Volunteer Fireman's Museum Sat. 2:45pm - Storming of Stockade - Uptown Stockade District Sat. 7pm - Colonial Grand Ball - Kingston City Hall Sun. 11am - Military Camp Tour and Drill Demonstrations - Forsyth Park Sun. 12:30pm - Battle of Upper Forsyth Park - Forsyth Park
For complete information about the 2017 Burning of Kingston, including a full event schedule, directions, maps, videos, and history, visit the website at
Employment Opportunities and Exam Announcements
The City of Kingston recently posted a number of civil service exam announcements and job vacancies.
Parking Permits Now Available
Frequent users of the City of Kingston's municipal lots are encouraged to purchase a parking permit in advance of the installation and activation of new payment stations in six of the City's municipal lots. The cost of the permit is $10 and the permit is valid through December 31, 2017.
By purchasing a parking permit, users are able to park in six of the City's municipal lots without having to pay the set rate of 75 cents per hour. The parking lots include:
3 North Front St. lots; the Cornell St. lot; the Prince St. lot; and the Dock St. lot. Signage will be present to inform drivers of whether a lot has paid parking or not.
How to apply for a parking permit:
- Permits can be purchased online by visiting and following the instructions. Major credit cards are accepted for payment.
- Permits can be purchased by mail by either downloading the PDF application at or picking up a paper application in person at City Hall at 420 Broadway in Kingston. Applicants are responsible for mailing their completed applications and check or money order directly to the processing center referenced in the application.
Vehicle information needed in order to complete the application:
- License Plate Number
- State
- Make
- Model
- Registration Expiration
- Vehicle Type
The payment stations are scheduled to be installed in the six parking lots in early September.
Upcoming Municipal Meetings
Monday, September 11th
No meetings scheduled at this time.
Tuesday, September 12th
Complete Streets Advisory Council
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Conservation Advisory Council
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Wednesday, September 13th
Electrical Examiners Board
Central Fire Station
Water Board
Kingston Water Department Offices
Human Rights Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2
Finance and Audit Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Thursday, September 14th
Arts Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Zoning Board of Appeals
Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #1
Friday, September 15th
No meetings scheduled at this time.
To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar
here. Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at
do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!