January 23, 2018 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:
Dear Friends,

I know that I have e-mailed you frequently during the past few snow emergencies, but I'm excited to get back to our regularly scheduled weekly updates!

This week's issue includes the updated contact information, committee assignments and liaison appointments for our 2018-19 Common Council members. I am in frequent contact with our Council and strongly encourage you to get to know your Aldermen. They will be an incredible resource for you and will help make sure that your questions and concerns are addressed as soon as possible. I look forward to working with each of these Council members this year to keep Kingston moving forward!

This week's issue also offers a glimpse into a new initiative that we are collaborating on with the Kingston City School District and community partners to help local students improve their school attendance. This is an important collaboration that can result in young people getting the support they need to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. This will be a community effort, so please stay tuned for opportunities to volunteer and get involved. 

Mayor Noble delivers State of the City Address 
An Excerpt

"While I am grateful for all that we have achieved together, it is actually the challenges that have  meant the most in our efforts to move our city forward. It has been our failures that have taught  us who we are and our shortcomings that have forced us to extend ourselves further than we  believed possible.

"It's easy in our day to day work to get lost, to feel like giving up, and to lose hope. In times of  great uncertainty, where it feels like our future is being decided by powerful people 350 miles  away, that is where we have to be the city I know us to be: The city that cares more about doing  good than being great. The community that sees a problem and instead of running away, figures  out how to overcome it. Through every challenge we have ever been given, we have found our  way.

"As you may remember, in 2016 we applied for the $10 Million NYS Downtown Revitalization  Initiative for our Midtown area. When it was announced that the City of Middletown had been  selected, the weight of that defeat felt unbearable. Just for a brief moment, I thought that I could  actually hear the sound of Governor Cuomo's motorcade travelling past our city. Knowing that  we were so close and yet we didn't bring this incredible opportunity home to Kingston- it was  devastating.

"But there was no time to linger in this loss. When we found out that there would be another  round of DRI funding, I was consumed with the goal of overcoming this defeat. And while the  target area for our second application shifted to the Uptown Stockade District as part of a  strategic approach to better respond to the grant opportunity, our vision for a strong, sustainable  and resilient community transcended any arbitrary district lines or titles. In just a few short days  and nights, we rewrote the entire application. We told the story of Kingston- a community which  doesn't back down. A community that has been built and rebuilt after each stumble, requiring us  to continue to learn, to create and to overcome. We told that story and this time, the Governor's  motorcade didn't pass Kingston by."

View the video of the Mayor's State of the City Address here. 
(Courtesy of Radio Kingston)
City of Kingston Common Council
Contact Information

James Noble
39 Roosevelt Avenue
(H) 845-331-4696 (C) 845-416-2197

Ward 1:
Alderman Jeffrey Ventura Morell
163 Main Street
Ward 2:
Alderman Douglas Koop
149 Main Street
Ward 3:
Alderman Reynolds Scott-Childress, Majority Leader
62 Lounsbury Place
Ward 4:
Alderman Rita Worthington
83 Prospect Street
Ward 5:
Alderman William Carey
101 Hoffman Street
Ward 6:
Alderman Tony Davis
84 Emerick Street
Ward 7:
Alderman Patrick O'Reilly
322 Clifton Avenue
Ward 8:
Alderman Steven Schabot
10 Presidents Place
Ward 9:
Alderman Andrea Shaut
355 Hasbrouck Avenue

Common Council 2018 Committee Assignments

Finance/Audit Committee
*Chair: Douglas Koop
*Reynolds Scott-Childress
*Tony Davis
*Patrick O'Reilly
*Steven Schabot
General Government/Public Safety Committee
*Chair: Steve Schabot
*Jeffrey Morell
*Reynolds Scott-Childress
*Rita Worthington
*Andrea Shaut
Laws and Rules Committee
*Chair: Bill Carey
*Jeffrey Morell
*Douglas Koop
*Reynolds Scott-Childress
*Patrick O'Reilly
Community Development Committee
(Also members of Community Development Advisory Council)
*Chair: Tony Davis
*Jeffrey Morell
*Rita Worthington
*Bill Carey
*Andrea Shaut

Common Council 2018 Liaison Appointments

Fire Board
Tony Davis
Water Board Jeffrey Ventura Morell
Recreation Steve Schabot
Planning Board Reynolds Scott-Childress
Zoning Board Bill Carey
Veterans Organizations Bill Carey
Library Rita Worthington
Uptown Business Association Douglas Koop
Midtown Business Association Rita Worthington
Rondout Business Association Steve Schabot
Public Works Patrick O'Reilly
Kingston Local Development Corp. Andrea Shaut
Dietz Stadium Commission Steve Schabot
Heritage Area Commission Reynolds Scott-Childress
Police Commission Rita Worthington
Economic Development Douglas Koop
Tree Commission Jeffrey Ventura Morell
Parking Work Group Reynolds Scott-Childress; Douglas Koop
Climate Smart Kingston Bill Carey
Conservation Advisory Council Andrea Shaut
Housing Tony Davis
Arts Commission Andrea Shaut
Central Fire House Work Group Steve Schabot; Douglas Koop; Tony Davis

Attendance Matters

A video by the Kingston City School District

We are pleased to announce that the Kingston City School District is working in partnership with the City of Kingston to improve school attendance rates for the most at-risk and vulnerable children in our community. In an effort to reach the families of these children, we are launching a community-wide awareness campaign, known as "Attendance Matters." The purpose of the "Attendance Matters" campaign is to send a strong message to our community's young people that we notice them, we care about them, and that by regularly attending school, we can work with them to make sure they have the tools they need to grow into successful young adults. We believe wholeheartedly that children who feel supported by their family, friends, neighbors and teachers are far more likely to successfully overcome the obstacles before them.

In addition to this public awareness campaign, which will include the video above and outreach posters featured at local businesses and gathering locations, this initiative also includes the placement of "attendance mentors" at the City's Rondout and Hodge Centers. The attendance mentors will help youth attending the City's after school programs improve their attendance and access needed supports and resources. In addition, the mentors will work with the youth to address issues using a "restorative justice" approach that allows the young person to reflect on how their actions, including school absence, are impacting them, their families and their futures. Finally, the initiative brings together a coalition of partners from community agencies, including Family of Woodstock, Inc., Ulster County Department of Social Services, Ulster County Probation, and more to meet on a quarterly basis to guide the project and identify gaps in services to best support youth and their families.

Special thank you to Kate Heidecker and Meagan Ziegenfuss of the Kingston City School District for creating this video and all of the individuals who stepped up to be filmed and serve as role models for our students. Finally, thank you to Ann Marie DiBella, school social worker and leader of this attendance campaign!
Downtown Revitalization Initiative

The City of Kingston was selected as one of ten communities in New York State to be awarded $10 million to develop a "downtown strategic investment plan" for the Stockade District and implement key catalytic projects that advance the community's vision for revitalization. 

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Local Planning Committee #3
Date: Tuesday, January 23rd
Time: Noon-2:00pm
Location: Old Dutch Church (272 Wall St.) Bethany Hall

The Local Planning Committee will hold its third meeting this Tuesday, January 23rd at Noon at the Old Dutch Church, located at 272 Wall St. A meeting agenda is linked above.


Downtown Revitalization Initiative Public Meeting
Date: Tuesday, February 13th
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: The Kirkland (Corner of Main St. and Clinton Ave.)
Snow Date: Tuesday, February 20th.

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce an interactive public workshop to be held on Tuesday, February 13th from 6:00pm-8:00pm at The Kirkland, located at the corner of Clinton Avenue and Main St. Community members are strongly encouraged to attend this event.
Kingston is Hiring!

The City of Kingston's Civil Service Office recently posted current job vacancies and examination announcements. View all of the opportunities here.

Snow Emergency Parking Information

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to introduce city-wide snow emergency alternate side parking in Kingston. While certain designated areas of the city previously had this option, the 2017-2018 will be the first winter of city-wide implementation.
Here is what you need to know when a snow emergency is declared:
  • Alternate side parking is allowed city-wide
  • Regular alternate side parking is suspended
  • On-street and off-street parking meters are suspended (paying meters is not required during snow emergencies)
  • Any pre-existing parking restrictions which designate or prohibit parking on a particular side of the street are temporarily superseded by snow emergency alternate side of the street parking restrictions. 
  • No parking is allowed within fifty feet of any street corner 
  • Vehicles must not block fire hydrants, driveways, entryways or exits for parking lots, or in any manner which presents a hazard
How Snow Emergency Alternate Side Parking Works:
Upon commencement of a snow emergency, vehicular parking will be permitted on the odd side of the street on odd numbered calendar days and on the even side of the street on even numbered calendar days. At 7:00 A.M. the following day, vehicles must switch to the opposite side of the street. The odd or even side of the street is determined by the house numbers of that street. An odd day is any calendar date that ends in  1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 . An even day is any calendar date that ends in  0, 2, 4, 6, or 8  . 

Example of alternate side parking during a snow emergency:
On December 28th, all vehicles must be parked on the side of the street in which the house numbers are even, such as 120 Sesame Street. See above example.

At 7:00am on December 29th, all vehicles must be moved to the side of the street in which the house numbers are odd, such as 121 Sesame Street. See below example. 

To stay up to date on snow emergencies and parking restrictions, visit: www.kingston-ny.gov . To receive calls and text message alerts regarding snow emergencies, enroll at:  www.kingston-ny.gov/Swift911 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I do not move my car to the correct side of the street during a snow emergency?
  • Enforcement will be increased to ensure compliance for alternate side snow emergency parking and successful clearing of roadways. Vehicles not in compliance will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense.
How can I find out if there is a snow emergency?

The City of Kingston will announce a snow emergency the following ways:
  • Online at www.kingston-ny.gov and at www.facebook.com/KingstonNYgov
  • By phone using the City's emergency notification system, Swift911. Calls are made to all landlines within the database, as well as cell phone numbers submitted through the system. Text messages will also be sent to users who have signed up to receive text alerts. To enroll, visit: www.kingston-ny.gov/Swift911 
  • By e-mail. Recipients of Mayor Noble's Weekly Update will receive an e-mail notification with all pertinent information. To sign up, visit www.kingston-ny.gov and click "Newsletter Signup" on the left
  • Notifications will also be sent to local media.
Why is the City of Kingston instituting city-wide alternate side parking during snow emergencies?
  • Roadways will be cleared more effectively throughout the City thanks to the elimination of parking on one side of the street and more compliance among vehicle owners
  • Businesses may remain open and residents may continue to park near their homes instead of having to find off-street parking spaces for the duration of the snow emergency
  • Fewer vehicle owners will be ticketed and towed, as some on-street parking will now be available
Who can I call for help?
  • In case of emergency, call 911.
  • For a snow-related service request or to report hazardous road conditions during a snow emergency, call the Department of Public Works Dispatch at 845-338-2114 for immediate assistance.
  • If your car has been towed, call the Kingston Police Department at 331-1671.
Where are the municipal parking lots located?

Please note that all municipal lots are available for overnight parking. Vehicles should be removed from these lots within 24 hours after the snow emergency ends when posted by the Department of Public Works. Any vehicles left in these lots may be ticketed and towed.
Uptown Area
All 3 North Front Street lots; Forsyth Park lot adjacent to the tennis courts; and Dietz Stadium
Midtown Area
Sea Deli lot; Hodge Center; AME Zion Church on Franklin St.; Cornell St. lot; Prince St. lot; lot next to Arace Electronics (357 Broadway); and Broadway Commons (615 Broadway)
Downtown Area
Dock St. lot; 117-165 Abeel St.; Trolley Museum lot; Block Park; and Kingston Point Beach

Community Development Block Grant

Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to launch the preparation of the City of Kingston's Annual Actual Plan for Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019), which details the use of the estimated $670,000 annual grant under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Entitlement Grant. 
Applications for proposed funding for the Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Action Plan were due on Monday, January 22nd at Noon. As in FY2017, priority will be given to programs that support the operations and further engagement and enrichment of youth attending the City's community centers, as well as capital projects in public facilities. 
At these meetings, comments will be heard regarding applicants and their proposed projects or programs.
  • Wednesday, February 7, 2018 - 6:00 PM Common Council Chambers, City Hall, 420 Broadway
  • Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 6:00 PM Common Council Chambers, City Hall, 420 Broadway
The Mayor, Economic & Community Development Director, Common Council's Community Development Committee, and the Community Development Advisory Board review all submitted applications for adherence to HUD eligibility requirements and examine them with respect to the prioritized needs outlined in the City's Consolidated Plan. The Mayor takes into consideration the public comment and recommendations of the Board, then offers a final recommendation to the Common Council. Prior to the Council's vote, the recommended slate of projects is published in The Daily Freeman followed by a thirty-day public review and comment period. Following the comment period, the Common Council votes on the annual slate of activities and the Community Development Director submits the final plan to HUD for approval in May.

Annually, the City of Kingston ("City") receives an Entitlement Grant allocation through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's ("HUD's") Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Program. In accordance with the administration of the CDBG Entitlement funding, the City's Office of Economic & Community Development has prepared a five-year Consolidated Plan which serves as the long-range plan for spending the City's annual CDBG allocations. This plan sets forth community needs, long-range program goals, specific program objectives, annual goals and benchmarks for measuring the program's progress. 

The primary objective of the CDBG program is to benefit persons of low and moderate income. By regulation, the City must allocate at least 70% of its annual CDBG funding on activities that benefit persons of low and moderate income, households, and neighborhoods.

For further information, please contact Brenna Robinson in the Office of Economic and Community Development at (845) 334-3924, or email her at  brobinson@kingston-ny.gov 
Upcoming Municipal Meetings

Tuesday, January 23rd
DRI Local Planning Committee #3
Old Dutch Church

Community Development Advisory Board
City Hall

Wednesday, January 24th
Climate Smart Kingston
City Hall

Finance and Audit Committee
City Hall, Conference Room #1

Heritage Area Commission
City Hall, Conference Room #2

Thursday, January 25th
Zoning Board of Appeals
City Hall

Friday, January 26th
No meetings scheduled at this time.


To stay up to date on all municipal meetings each month, check out our monthly calendar here. Most meeting agendas and minutes can be found here.
Kingston Happenings
The City of Kingston often receives requests to share upcoming events happening in our community. Our partners at 
KingstonHappenings.org  do an excellent job of centralizing this community information. So while our website is the best resource to gain information about City of Kingston sponsored events and important municipal information, Kingston Happenings can give you a greater preview of community events. Check them out today!
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: