September 6, 2024 - In this issue:

Mayor's Message

Mayor Noble Signs New Housing Legislation

Kingston Awarded $3.5M for Pool & Beach Upgrades

Kingston Community Bike Rides

Mayor Noble's Listening Tour - Ward 6 & 7

Burning of Kingston Returns in 2024

Open Call for Art Submission for City Hall Exhibition

Heart of Midtown Street Festival Tomorrow

Mayor Noble's Tuesday Radio Show

Weekly Roadwork/Infrastructure Update

City of Kingston Job Opportunities

Mayor's Message:

Dear Friends -

I recently signed two pieces of new housing legislation into law-- the 421-P housing package, which I believe will spur the creation of much needed housing in Kingston helping us to reach our goal of approving 1,000 units of housing by 2029. We are proud to be the first municipality to adopt these new laws.

We have lots of news this week: a $3.5M grant for pool/beach upgrades, the return of Burning of Kingston, an open call for artwork submissions, and more!

As in years past, the annual 9/11 ceremony will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at the Fireman's Park at 8:30am.


Mayor Noble Signs New Housing Legislation

Mayor Noble has signed new legislation, the 421-P package of property tax exemptions, which encourages new housing development. The City of Kingston is the first municipality in New York State to opt into this new law.


The legislation has two components: 421-P*2 Tax Exemption for New Accessory Dwelling Units and 421-P Tax Exemption for New Multifamily housing. In May, Mayor Noble proposed passing 421-P*2 tax exemptions after the New York State budget allowed municipalities to partially exempt new ADUs from taxation for 10 years (100% exempt during the first five years, with the exemption percentage declining over the subsequent five years) and allowed the exemption for newly constructed or converted rental units with at least 10 units that guarantee at least 25% of the units are affordable.


The 421-P*2 Tax Exemption for New Accessory Dwelling Units allows municipalities to exempt newly constructed accessory dwelling units from taxation for a 10-year period. To qualify for tax exemption, the attached or detached ADU must be a new unit that provides independent living facilities, as defined in the City’s form-based code. ADUs cannot be used as short-term rentals. Construction must take place after the effective date of the local law.


421-P Tax Exemption for New Housing allows municipalities to exempt newly constructed or converted rentals properties with multiple dwelling units from taxation and ad valorem levies. To qualify for tax exemption, the new structure must have 10 or more rental units and have been built on vacant or underutilized land. At least 25% of the units in the structure must be affordable to households between 60-80% AMI, and none of these affordable units may have households with more than 100% AMI.


More information at


These exemptions complement other City initiatives to encourage new housing, including the ADU Plus One Grant program, the ADU design competition, and the City’s new zoning code.

Kingston Awarded $3.5M for Beach & Pool Improvements

The City of Kingston has won a $3,343,345 grant for Kingston Point Beach swimming facility upgrades and $180,000 for Andretta Pool improvements through the NY SWIMS grant program.


Governor Kathy Hochul announced nearly $150 million in capital grants for 37 projects across the state as part of the New York Statewide Investment in More Swimming (NY SWIMS) initiative – New York's biggest investment in swimming since the New Deal. The NY SWIMS program was created to support underserved communities to design, construct, rehabilitate, or modernize public swimming facilities.


Mayor Noble said, “Governor Hochul has made an unprecedented investment in Kingston to make sure our residents continue to have access to swimming opportunities. Kingston Point Beach is heavily utilized and one of the only swimming beaches on the Hudson River, but has seen dramatic impacts due to stronger storms and rising tides. This grant funding will allow us to move forward with critically necessary improvements at both of our swimming locations, while ensuring recreational opportunities for the next generation of Kingstonians.”


With the grant funding, the City of Kingston will implement a design of multi-tiered raised terraces at the Kingston Point Beach to connect upland areas on either side of the existing beach to provide flood mitigation and protect the interior of Kingston Point against sea level rise. The project will promote resiliency through the protection and management of natural resources and sensitive ecosystems while protecting and reinforcing the shorelines. With the remaining funding, the City of Kingston will renovate the Andretta Pool, replacing the pump and underground infrastructure and install a lift to the pool as well as ADA-compliant steps, a splash pad feature, and a shade structure at the complex.

Kingston Community Bike Rides

Kingston Parks and Recreation with Bike Friendly Kingston are hosting Community Bike Rides around town this fall. Community Bike Rides are guided group rides that give folks an opportunity to explore the city, gain biking confidence, and make friends!

Rides start on Thursdays (until October 24) just after 5:00pm from Academy Green Park, with routes changing weekly. Expect each ride to be at a slow pace and last around 2 hours.

Please sign up here and follow Bike Friendly Kingston to receive updates on our weekly bike routes!  

Mayor Noble Listening Tour - Wards 6 & 7

The Mayor Noble continues his Listening Tour with a meeting in Ward 6 on Monday, September 16 at 5:30pm at Landmark Place (300 Flatbush).

The Ward 7 meeting will be held on Monday, October 21 at 5:30pm at the Comforter of Kingston Church at 26 Wynkoop. Mark your calendar!

Burning of Kingston Returns in 2024

The City of Kingston, Ulster County, and Old Dutch Church will host a special Burning of Kingston event from October 17-20, 2024. The 2024 theme, Voices Lost in the Fire, reflects the diverse programming and historical perspectives that will be presented.


The Burning of Kingston, which typically occurs bi-annually in odd years, commemorates American Revolutionary War events of 1777, and the life and times of Kingston’s people. This special 2024 Burning of Kingston will be held in preparation of the United States Semiquincentennial in 2026 and will include both traditional and new stories at events throughout Uptown Kingston.


2024 Burning of Kingston events will include the muti-faceted history of Kingston’s colonial and indigenous life during the American Revolutionary War conflict, including live battle reenactments, historic tours, film, musical performances, a grand ball, presentations and discussions, and a commemorative 5k run from Uptown Kingston to historic Hurley. Programming will tell many stories through multiple lenses, from Kingston’s defeat by the British and the plight of its refugees, to what life was like for indigenous peoples, women, LGBTQ+, enslaved people, as well as American militia and British soldiers and mercenaries.


Events are free and open to the public. For more information, and a full schedule, please visit

Open Call for Artwork Submissions

The City of Kingston will be accepting artwork submissions for an exhibition at City Hall entitled, FREEDOM.


The concept of the exhibition was developed as a part of the major installation of sculptor Trina Greene’s Sojourner Truth: First Step to Freedom statue, which will be on display in City Hall from September 28, 2024 through August 2025. For the FREEDOM exhibition, artists are invited to submit work that celebrates and visually represents Sojourner Truth’s legacy as a champion for freedom, justice, and women’s rights.


Selected works will be displayed in the ground floor gallery space at City Hall from December 2024 to August 2025. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, December 7, 2024. 


Artists are invited to submit an artwork in response to the theme FREEDOM via the online application or to the Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs, 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY, 12401 by October 25, 2024 at 4:30pm.


Works will be selected by a review panel comprised of members of the Kingston Arts Commission and the Kingston arts community.

More about Sojourner Truth: First Step to Freedom can be found at:

Heart of Midtown Street Festival Tomorrow

The 2nd Annual Heart of Midtown: Go All In for Mental Health street festival will be held on Saturday, September 7 from 1-8pm on Field Court.

The event aims to raise awareness of the mental health crisis impacting young people and to build a strong supportive community. Information on mental health will be available along with local resources and services.

The free event will also feature live music, art and personal development workshops, trauma-informed yoga and meditation, pickle ball lessons, a dunk tank, and a variety of wellness events all afternoon.

More info at

Mayor Noble's Tuesday Radio Show

Mayor Noble's weekly radio show, "It's the Mayor" is back! The show airs on Tuesdays at 5pm on Radio Kingston.


This week, Mayor Noble spoke with Kingston Police Chief Egidio Tinti about the Safe Start to School road safety campaign and enforcement, grants for new technology, recruitment, and more! Click below to hear their conversation.

Weekly Roadwork/Infrastructure Update

Central Hudson—crews we will working on Pine St to replace gas services. Please expect lane and or road closures in this area. Restoration crews will be in the area of Warren St and Linderman Ave.

ADA Curb Ramps—the citywide curb ramp project has restarted, beginning at Cornell Street and Ten Broeck. This project will include 56 new ADA ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James St. It is anticipated to be completed in November of 2024.

Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– curb and drainage work continuing with some impacts to Albany Avenue. Electrical/signal pole work also continuing. Uptown businesses remain open during construction and the contractor is working to ensure access to all affected homes and businesses.

Prospect Street sewer project– work continues between St. James and Liberty Street. Road remains closed to through traffic with local traffic only. Some water service interruption may occur during the week of September 9. Advance warning to affected homes and businesses will be provided by flyers posted to front doors. Water service impacts may affect properties on St. James Street between Broadway and Clinton Avenue.


Post Office Park-- construction will start up again soon with site work to prepare for the installation of amenities and plantings.  

Kingston Water Department – on Tuesday September 10 and Wednesday September 11, KWD will be rebuilding manholes on N Manor at Albany Ave. N Manor Ave. between Albany and Manor Place will be closed during this work, and the northbound lane (away from Albany Ave) will remain closed overnight for the concrete to set properly.

Archtop Fiber will be doing installation on Clifton Avenue starting Monday, September 9, starting at the intersection of Stephan and Clifton working their way north to Flatbush.

Weekly roadwork updates will be posted on the City website here.

ADA curb ramp installation this week

City of Kingston Job & Board Opportunities

The City of Kingston is hiring! The following positions are currently open: 

Wastewater Treatment Plant Mechanic II

Housing Code Inspector - Part-time vacancy

Junior Planning Aide

The City is currently looking to fill several positions within the Department of Public Works, including:

Skilled Laborer with a salary $53,459 +of + benefits

Motor Equipment Operator with a salary of $56,272 + benefits

Heavy Motor Equipment Operator with a salary of $59,344 + benefits

More information available at

Upcoming Civil Service exams include:

Library Assistant - deadline to apply is August 31, 2024

The City of Kingston has over 25 boards & commissions, and we're always looking for volunteers to serve the community.

The following currently have openings:

  • Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission 
  • Live Well Kingston Commission
  • Complete Streets Advisory Council
  • Conservation Advisory Council
  • Zoning Board of Appeals

Find the application at:

Kingston 311

The Kingston 311 app, website, and phone system allow residents to quickly and easily report issues and submit service requests.

The Kingston 311 app, available for Android & iPhones, is a fast and simple way to connect to City officials in non-emergency situations. Photos can be attached to illustrate service orders.

This system is a valuable resource to submit municipal service requests. Examples include:

  • Streetlight replacement
  • City signage, including overgrowth blocking traffic signs
  • Snow removal, reporting parking violations, and other snow-related issues
  • Parks & playground repairs
  • Report graffiti or vandalism
  • Trail issues

Dial 311 from any phone within City limits to reach us, use the app or visit

Sent on behalf of:

Mayor Steven T. Noble


The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit:

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